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Courses and workshops

I regularly offer workshops and courses for leaders and managers. If you are managing people or projects in a remote or hybrid setting, then you are in the right place!

Upcoming dates – Autumn 2024

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Healthy Hybrid Working for Managers and Leaders

Start date: Monday, 7 October 2024
Duration: 4 weeks

When it comes to hybrid working, managers and leaders have a different experience to the wider workforce and different needs, too. From running effective hybrid team meetings, keeping oversight of progress and managing performance there are a whole range of challenges for hybrid people and project management.

If it’s part of your role to translate newfound hybrid flexibility into effective collaboration between colleagues, establish communication channels that engage a hybrid team with diverse capabilities and preferences and balancing work with other commitments, then this course is for you.

Over four weeks we will take a deep dive into what it takes to manage happy hybrid teams in a way that reflects your values, and create healthy habits to balance the demands of a leadership role even when work/life boundaries are blurred.

Registration: opening soon.

Private clients: £149
Employers and organisations£279
Groups: 5 places (20% discount)

Get notified of when registration opens via my free newsletter:

Free courses

These free short courses are part of my commitment to offering 10% of my work on a pro bono basis. The following courses and course materials are currently available:

  • Hybrid Working Habits (Autumn 2023) – a free 4 part course designed to share practical tips that you can use to find ways to make hybrid working really work for you (or you team or organisation) in the long term. If you are looking to move from overwhelm and burnout to finding balance, then this course is for you. You just have to listen. Check out the course information page.
  • How to Lead Virtual Teams (Spring 2023) – a free 6 part course for emerging and established leaders. This is the companion course to my book on leading virtual teams. You can explore the course at your own pace, follow along with the podcast episodes and access all resources and tools. Go to the course overview for more information.

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