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Tag: #HacksforHybrid

Hacks for Hybrid Working… flex course reflection

In the past couple of months I had the wonderful opportunity to work on a project outside my day job. Together with the awesome folk at Reclaim EdTech, and working closely with Lauren Hanks, we embarked on a journey to design and run a four week flex course all about hybrid working. It was interesting to learn more about the format of flex courses, which are run regularly each month in the Reclaim EdTech community…

Hacks for Hybrid Working starts on October 24

I am very excited to spot the announcement for Hacks for Hybrid Working, a new flex course starting on October 24th, in the September edition of the Reclaim Roundup which links through to Lauren’s preview post of the course. For many of us in Higher Ed, hybrid working is here to stay. So whether you’d like to create a better work/life balance juggling being on campus with working from home, or you are looking to…