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Hybrid Working Habits – Welcome

Our start date is Friday, 20th October, and the course runs over 4 weeks. New topics are released via email and the podcast on Fridays. If you haven’t yet registered, it’s not too late to sign up free.

Meet your Course Lead

Image of Maren Deepwell, a white woman with blond hair and a grey jumper

Hi! I’m Dr Maren Deepwell. I’m really glad you are here and hope you enjoy the course.

I work with organisations in education and the non-profit sector building on my experience as a CEO of a hybrid organisation for over ten years.

I have experienced a lot of ups and downs working from home, managing remote workers and collaborating virtually, and I chronicled this in my book, Leading Virtual Teams (2022). One of the things I learnt along the way is that a good work/life balance and relationship with digital technology may look a little different for everyone but that the journey how we get there is similar. That’s why I designed this course: to share practical tips that you can use to find ways to make hybrid working really work for you (or you team or organisation) in the long term.

Course information

Course overview

Over the four weeks of the course, you will develop skills to:

1: Audit your hybrid working habits to find out how your current habits are impacting on you and what to change;
2: Set boundaries for a better life/work balance and stick to them even when things are busy;
3: Increase productivity away from the screen by using strategies for communicating and collaborating outside of meetings;
4: Communicate more effectively in the hybrid workplace in a way that works for you and reduces digital overwhelm.

Download the course companion book

The course is inspired by my book, Leading Virtual Teams. The book is free to download in different formats and we will use individual chapters from the book throughout the course.

For each topic, individual chapters are sign-posted. The course podcasts include the key points for each topic, so there is no need to read each chapter unless you wish to take a deeper dive into a particular topic. Download the book.

Each topic comes with free tools and resources that are linked to in the podcast show notes and the weekly course email.

Follow the course

The course is podcast based and new episodes released weekly on Fridays. The podcast is called Leading Virtual Teams and you can find it on: AnchorApple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts and Spotify

Subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. If you are registered for the course you will receive a weekly email as new course episodes are released, and you can also subscribe to the podcast to make sure you don’t miss a course episode. Subscribe to the podcast

Reflect on your practice

Each topic is accompanied by prompts and questions to help you reflect on your professional practice. You can choose whether you write your reflections down, share them with others in the course or keep them private for yourself.

If you’d like to develop your approach to reflecting on your professional practice, then have a look at the dedicated activity in Chapter 2 of Leading Virtual Teams, which includes helpful hints and practical tips to get you started. Download the book.

Find help

New course topics are released via email and the podcast on Fridays. You need to be registered to receive the email. If you haven’t yet registered, it’s not too late to sign up free.

During the course, if you need help or have questions, get in touch with me via email (simply reply to any course email) or drop me a line on Instagram or LinkedIn.

Curious to find out more about the work I do? Check out my blog, information about my work as coach or recent talks. If you’d like to learn more about working or coaching with me, get in touch and subscribe to my free monthly newsletter .

Oh hi there 👋 It’s good to meet you.

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