Working with volunteers and diverse stakeholders I take a collegiate approach to my professional practice and to leadership. People are what really matters to me and I still do as much coaching and training as I can. I work together with other women in leadership roles to provide networking, support and mentoring.
2020 collaborations
In conversation with… 
Last year I started a new regular interview series on the altc blog, in which I speak to professionals from across sectors about all things Learning Technology. So if you have ever wondered what Maha Bali would do if she had edtech superpowers for a day, or what David Hopkins never travels without or who the edtech superheroes of my edtech superheroes are… then this series is a must read.
Promoting equality in Learning Technology

As a volunteer curator of @femedtech I contribute to growing a network promoting equality and feminism in Learning Technology. This is a collaborative effort with colleagues from different countries and sectors, with the aim of surfacing other initiatives, establishing an inclusive and critical discourse and connect individuals with shared values and interest.
Open leadership
Together with Martin Hawksey I write a series of monthly blog posts. The posts chart our journey to transform our largely office-based team into a distributed, home-based workforce and to set up virtual operations fit to meet our changing requirements. We are publishing on each of our blogs, see Maren’s and Martin’s, to begin with and we aim to share our experience as senior staff leading the transition and our team through the changes, sharing insights and lessons learnt as well as what we hope will be transferable know-how that others can apply in their context. We’ve framed this as a conversation in order to share our contrasting perspectives, and we may add more practical/technical sections as we go along.