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My last blog post as CEO of ALT

As I write this, I am preparing to step down as CEO of ALT. The handover to ALT’s new CEO, Billy Smith, will formally conclude at the AGM during our Annual Conference on 6th September, and I hope to see many Members on the day in Warwick, and also online. Guests are most welcome, and if you’d like to watch the AGM, you can register now. I am very grateful to have had a month…

2022: My year in 10 milestones

It’s Winter Solstice today and over the past few years this has become the date on which I write my review of the year. For me, these reflections are a helpful way to wind down from work and move to focus on things away from screens, to get outdoors, walk the dogs and enjoy the luxury of not having a schedule. Posey, who is asleep in her basket next to me, has been my work…

Submitted! My Senior CMALT Portfolio update

In January I blogged about getting the process of updating my Senior CMALT Portfolio underway, and my intention was to blog monthly to share my process. Alas, we are not in late September and although I haven’t blogged or indeed progressed the task at hand, today I am doing both! I have updated my portfolio AND am blogging about it, so YAY! To recap, here is what I set out to do: Updating my portfolio…

CEO’s Report, Spring 2022

Adapted from the original report on the #altc blog. This is my quarterly update as CEO of ALT on our progress as we move further into the year. We now provide access to expertise to a much wider community of digital practitioners. We work hard to champion professional recognition for a growing range of Learning Technology roles and we inform and support institution leaders engaging with digital education. Our strategy needs to reflect this growing…

Updating my Senior CMALT: part 1

It’s been three years since I first gained Senior CMALT Accreditation and I have found it extremely valuable to have this accreditation. I continue to undertake CMALT peer assessments and find this, too, an important way for me to continue my professional development. Updating my portfolio ALT requires portfolios to be reviewed and updated every three years in order to maintain Senior Certified Member status and I am afraid my three years were up in…

Open Badge news: CMALT Assessor Badge

I have been a peer assessor for the CMALT accreditation scheme for many years and I really enjoy undertaking assessments. It’s a great way to keep in touch with how professional practice is developing across the sector. Since the introduction of Senior CMALT accreditation, I mostly assess portfolios of peers in leadership roles and that is particularly rewarding. Recognition as an Assessor I was really pleased to receive my first Open Badge from ALT for…

Making time for CPD in a Learning Technology Leadership role

In the past year it’s been hard to make much time for professional development, or at least the kind of professional development you can plan. Like many in my position, I had a huge amount of professional development focused on keeping my organisation running in a crisis, emergency governance, financial crisis management and so forth. Things are STILL extremely busy, and look like they will continue to be for some time to come, but I…

2018: The year Learning Technology

Against a backdrop of much political, social and environmental upheaval I have spent the past year working hard for all things Learning Technology – always on a mission to make better sense of how we relate to technology as we learn, teach and live. Learning Technology is so interesting and challenging because the work we do is happening at the intersection of education and work, constantly negotiating our relationship with technology as a society, as…

‘Learning Technology in Higher Education – challenges and opportunities’ – SEDA Conference keynote

I was delighted to be invited to speak at this year’s SEDA conference. It’s a special honour this year, as both SEDA and ALT are celebrating their 25th anniversary and my talk followed inspiring keynotes by Pauline Kneale, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Teaching and Learning, from Plymouth University and also Julie Hall, Professor of Higher Education and Deputy Vice Chancellor, Solent University Southampton as part of the conference programme. Here is the abstract of my talk: This talk will address…

Preview: SEDA Conference keynote ‘Learning Technology in Higher Education – challenges and opportunities’

I am really looking forward to speaking at this year’s SEDA conference and I wanted to share a preview of my talk ahead of the event. It’s a special honour to be invited to speak this year, as both SEDA and ALT are celebrating their 25th anniversary and I look forward to hearing Pauline Kneale, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Teaching and Learning, from Plymouth University and also Julie Hall, Professor of Higher Education and Deputy Vice Chancellor, Solent University Southampton as…