I’m Dr Maren Deepwell and this is my domain on the open web. My interests span education and the not for profit sector and I bring creativity and curiosity to my work as a leader and a coach. With a background in Educational Technology, Anthropology and Fine Art I am as passionate about pen and paper as I am about the newest digital technologies and I write about everything from stationary to strategy.
This blog, my podcast and newsletter are the best ways to connect and get in touch with me.
I work as an independent consultant with organisations and (emerging) leaders in education and the not-for-profit sector as an executive trouble shooter, strategic advisor and coach. I specialise in authentic leadership and unconventional career development, digital wellbeing and sustainability. Find out more about my work and get in touch via my business site.
Recent posts
- Having a CareerWhen I came across Kin Lane’s post Having a Career I felt inspired. His post prompted me to think about whether it’s worth having a career, and what that means, and if it matters. These words in particular chimed with me: However, now I see having a career is about me. It is about owning my own professional narrative as much as I possibly can. I consider a career adjacent to entrepreneurship or running your…
- Blogging on the Open Web.Since its launch, the new Blogging Community of Practice, AKA Bloggers Anonymous, has begun to grow. Community building is an art that takes time and patience and most of all presence. You have to walk the walk… you have to start spending time where you want to grow connections. Which is not all that simple in times like these. Many professionals in my networks are leaving social media and the toxic news cycle behind all…
- Setting up a space for brewing new ideas.New ideas have to start somewhere, and for me that’s always a messy process. Sometimes it goes nowhere and sometimes there’s a nugget of inspiration that can be spun into something extraordinary. This is why I have set myself up a new space, my percolator, which opens up somewhere for me to think out loud, and create ideas in the open. Some of these ideas will never go further, and some may be terrible, but…
- Re-inventing Mondays RevisitedI set out to change my working life about 18 months ago, starting my own micro business, and it’s been a while since I checked in with progress. I’ve previously blogged about my efforts to re-invent Mondays, but time flies when you are having fun, so let’s jump into the update. A bit like in a romantic comedy, career change narratives often focus on making a decision or leading up to a big change. Then,…
- My #FemEdTech Years and what’s nextIt’s International Women’s Day this week, and this has coincided with the closure of the original femedtech account on Twitter. Looking back at my engagement over a number of years made me pause and reflect on how I can now continue championing equality and how this shows up in my work. Leadership One of the things I gained during my years as a CEO was a bigger perspective, and a focus on the systems and…