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Category: ocTEL

My last week as a #DigitalScholar?

Tomorrow is the last live session of the Digital Scholar course. In this post I will share my experience of week 4 and look back briefly at the course overall. So, last week was all about the peer review process and reviewing each others’ course outlines. At the end of the week, we each received the feedback provided by our peers and mine was definitely useful. Some comments were very factual, pointing out a typo…

#DigitalScholar week 2: course structure v a trail of breadcrumbs

I’ve been working on my course outline as part of the #DigitalScholar course I’m participating in. The deadline is on Friday and I have been catching up on the guidance and help provided to get my submission ready. The topic of my course is using reflection as a CPD tool in Learning Technology. As I mentioned previously, the course is run on Scholar, a new platform for me, and I feel we are gradually making…

Curiosity, badges, new stuff… running and participating in ALT’s open course, ocTEL

For the past week I have been involved in running ocTEL, the open course in Technology Enhanced Learning – version 2.0. As well as helping with running the course, I have also done my bit to participate and now that the first few days are behind me, I want to reflect on my expectations of the course as a participant/organiser hybrid… . So, first up, what am I hoping to achieve by participating? Like everyone…

Sound of scale: songs for a MOOC #ocTEL

Tomorrow’s the first day of the #ocTEL open online course that alongside a group of members and staff of ALT I have been working towards delivering over the past 6 months. So while in my professional capacity there are all sorts of things to think about, a more personal question I have on my mind is what such a course sounds like.Around 900 people have signed up for this course, and while it is not…