Selected links to resources, talks and other work.
- Event:
- Event: How to Get Your Blogging Mojo back, Community of Practice event, 19th March 2025;
- Course: Digital Wellbeing: Healthy Habits for Hybrid Working, University of Oxford, February 2025;
- Talk: Critical Cadence: Reclaiming the Pace of Digital Productivity, Education after the algorithm: Co-designing critical and creative futures, 20-21 February 2025, in Dublin, Ireland;
- Course: Healthy Hybrid Habits for Managers and Leaders, 22 Jan – 20 Feb 2025;
- Workshop: Managing uncertainty in the age of AI. Senior Leadership Team Away Day, University of Edinburgh, January 2025.
- Publication: Global Trends towards Hybrid Working in Higher Education, National Digital Leadership Network, N-TUTORR National Programme, December 2024.
- Event:National Digital Leadership Network, launch, N-TUTORR National Programme, Dublin, Ireland, 26 November 2024;
- Open resource: Coaching Walk, November 2024;
- Course: Healthy Hybrid Habits for Managers and Leaders, 7-31 October 2024;
- Webinar: CPD Webinar Series 2024: From Blended Learning to Hybrid Working: Healthy Habits for Hybrid Teams, 25 September 2024;
- Conference: DS106 Summer Camp, 12-16 August 2024;
- Webinar: Digital Media: 5 ways to get started with podcasting, University of Oxford, June 2024;
- Accreditation: Associate Certified Coach (ACC), International Coaching Federation, May 2024;
- Course: Digital Wellbeing: Healthy Habits for Hybrid Working, University of Oxford, May 2024;
- Webinar: ASCILITE’s Women in Academic Leadership Initiative; 16 May 2024;
- Course: Digital Skill for Emerging Leaders, with Dr Lynne Taylerson, Digital Learning Institute, May 2024;
- Workshop: Reclaiming our Socials… and how you can too! – workshop with Amanda Schmidt and Taylor Jadin, SUNY Digital Learning Conference; 17 April 2024;
- Talk: Digital Leadership Skills for the New Era in Education, co-presenting with Dr Lynne Taylerson, Digital Learning Institute, 16 April 2024;
- Talk: The sound of Open Practice in social media wilderness, with Martin Weller, OER24, March 2024;
- Talk: Reclaiming #Edtech4life in Open Education, with Jim Groom & Meredith Huffman, OER24, March 2024;
- Webinar: Using Open Source tools as key infrastructure, with Anne-Marie Scott, Reclaim TV, 1 March 2024;
- Webinar: Reclaim & OER #4Ever, with Meredith Huffman, Reclaim TV, 16 February 2024;
- Webinar: Building Community with guest Martin Hawksey!, Reclaim TV, 9th February 2024;
- Mentoring: 1MM national mentoring programme, developing young adult leaders, Cardiff West Community High School, February 2024;
- Course: Digital Wellbeing: Healthy Habits for Hybrid Working, University of Oxford, February 2024;
- Talk: Supporting, developing and retaining hybrid teams Word of Learning Summit, January 2024.
- Article: Re-inventing Mondays. Re-desiging my week to stop overworking. Fusion Magazine, January 2024;
- Podcast: Guest on Springboard Women’s Development Programme, hosted by Maxine Redhall, January 2024;
- Workshop: Leading Hybrid Teams. Senior Leadership Team Away Day, University of Edinburgh, January 2024;
- Article: Are you returning to the office, five days a week? Exploring the future of hybrid working. Learning Magazine, January 2024
- AmplifyFE Community of Practice, presentation at the Western Training Provider Network & West of England Apprenticeship Service, 7 December 2023;
- Stepping Away from the Screen – 10 Strategies for Digital Wellbeing, lunchtime session at the University of Oxford, 22 November 2023;
- AI in Education and Training: horizon scan and best practice from across sectors, talk at Preparing for AI: Essential considerations for Independent Training Providers, AELP and Ufi joint event, 16 November 2023;
- ‘What really works?’ – Launching the AmplifyFE Insights Report 2023, with Dr Lynne Taylorsen, at the Week of VocTech, 15 November 2023;
- VocTech Future of Skills Award, judging panel, November 2023;
- Hybrid Working Hacks Revisited, community session for Reclaim Hosting, 10 November 2023;
- Talking HE Podcast – in conversation with Santanu Vasant, 7 September 2023;
- Coaching Through It Season 4: Leadership Quandaries, podcast with Julie Larsen and Layra Pasquini, 2023;
- CEO Report, #altc blog, July 2023;
- Openness in Education as a Praxis: From Individual Testimonials to Collective Voices. Open Praxis, 15(2), pp. 76–112. DOI:
openpraxis.15.2.574 . Bozkurt, A., Gjelsvik, T., Adam, T., Asino, T. I., Atenas, J., Bali, M., Blomgren, C., Bond, M., Bonk, C. J., Brown, M., Burgos, D., Conrad, D., Costello, E., Cronin, C., Czerniewicz, L., Deepwell, M., Deimann, M., DeWaard, H. J., Dousay, T. A., Ebner, M., Farrow, R., Gil-Jaurena, I., Havemann, L., Inamorato, A., Irvine, V., Karunanayaka, S. P., Kerres, M., Lambert, S., Lee, K., Makoe, M., Marín, V. I., Mikroyannidis, A., Mishra, S., Naidu, S., Nascimbeni, F., Nichols, M., Olcott. Jr., D., Ossiannilsson, E., Otto, D., Padilla Rodriguez, B. C., Paskevicius, M., Roberts, V., Saleem, T., Schuwer, R., Sharma, R. C., Stewart, B., Stracke, C. M., Tait, A., Tlili, A., Ubachs, G., Weidlich, J., Weller, M., Xiao, J., & Zawacki Richter, O. (2023); - Keynote: Hope on the Horizon (slides and a summary), EDEN Annual Conference, 18-20 June 2023;
- Leaders and Legends of Online Learning, podcast with Mark Nichols, 2023;
- CEO Report, #altc blog, 18 April 2023;
- Metaphors of EdTech: OER23 Special, podcast with Martin Weller, 13 April 2023;
- Empowering agency and expertise for EdTech futures, with Puiyin Wong and Julie Voce, Ahead by Bett, 31 March 2023;
- Contribution to Blended and Hybrid Learning Design in Higher Education, University of Nottingham MOOC FutureLearn, March 2023;
- #LTHEchat 254: Hybrid working: new frontiers in professional practice. Led by @MarenDeepwell, and the wakelet of the chat, 1 February 2023;
- CEO Report, #altc blog, 18 January 2023
- Leading Virtual Teams, my weekly podcast, Season 2
- Book launch: Leading Virtual Teams, with Prof Helen O’Sullivan, hosted by the Association for Learning Technology. 1 December 2022;
- Levelling up Learning by Connecting Communities in Vocation Education and Training, with Emma Procter-Legg, OEB, Berlin, Germany, 24 November 2022;
- AmplifyFE Communities of Practice Sector Audit, launch and report, Week of VocTech, hosted by Ufi VocTech Trust, 14 November 2022;
- Hacks for Hybrid Working, 4 week flex course in collaboration with Lauren Hanks from Reclaim Hosting, November 2022;
- OERCamp22 – zugehOERt 092 auf dem OERcamp: From Open Learning to Open Working, Podcast hosted by Chahira Nouira, 25 October 2022;
- The Future of Learning, panel discussion hosted by Instructure, 12 October 2022,
- Digital Learning in Higher Education – COVID-19 and beyond; launch webinar and co-author of chapter (Further non-teaching perspectives on aspects of the higher education sector impacted by COVID-19) with Matt Smith, Interim Head of Primary Education, University of Wolverhampton, June 2022;
- Assessment Hackathon, Dublin City University, 25 May 2022;
- Open in action – building connections in virtual teams, presentation with Lauren Hanks, OER22, 26-28 April 2022;
- CEO Report, altc blog, 20 April 2022;
- How is our profession changing? Guest post with Professor Helen O’Sullivan, altc Blog, 11 April 2022;
- The True Story of how a Westminster meeting led to… penguins, True Stories of Openness, 11 April 2022;
- Ahead by Bett, 23-25 March 2022;
- How to develop an ethical framework for learning technology, THE Digital Universities Week, 15-16 March 2022;
- OEG Voices 028: Looking into 2022 with Maren Deepwell, podcast, with Alan Levine, 1 February 2022;
- Remote Working Radio, monthly on DS106Radio, 2022.
- From virtual learning to virtual working: a preview; article published in Information Professional, pp.16-19, December 2021;
- Data & Ethics in vocational edTech. Week of VocTech Showcase, 17 November 2021;
- Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning, Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development Goals, 26 October 2021;
- Digital Transformation: leadership practice, Sheffield Hallam University Senior Leadership Group, 20 October 2021;
- Discussion Panel: Higher Education Conference: Ignite HE – From Response to Revival, 7 of October 2021;
- Developing ethical approaches to learning technology, article in Future of EdTech Q3, Education Technology in Business and Industry, 23 September 2021;
- Keynote: Transforming Learning Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, 14 September 2021;
- Key insights for 2021 – a presentation for Russel Group Universities IT Directors (RUGIT), 14 July 2021;
- Developing ethical approaches to learning technology, a Fair Comment article, Common Wealth of Learning, July 2021;
- Learning And Teaching Reimagined: Understanding The Response To COVID-19 And Exploring The Future Of Digital Learning And Teaching @ The Future of Blended Learning in Higher Education 2021, keynote, 17 June 2021;
- Pedagogy and Practice when Teaching Online, webinar, 10 June 2021;
- Open Apereo 21 #ALT & #Apereo Screenside Chat: ‘Ethics & Learning Technology. Perspectives from the Pandemic’. With @bellaabramsIT, @drchuck, @14prinsp, @MarenDeepwell & @iandolphin24 – 8 June 2021;
- EdTech Update – 2 summit sessions including an edtech chat with colleagues from Uhi and the launch of the Ufi White Paper chaired by Louise Rowland with Paul Milner, Ziad Dajani and Jeff Greenidge, 28 April 2021;
- Is now the time for open educational resources? with Nick Lambert, Wonkhe, 27 April 2021;
- HOPE ON THE AIRWAVES: THE DS106RADIO SUNDAY SPECIAL CREW at OERxDomains21, with Anne-Marie Scott, Tannis Morgan and Brian Lamb hosted by Jim Groom, 22 April 2021;
- Guest Post: What I am looking forward to #altc for 2021… a CEO’s perspective, #altc blog, 12 April 2021;
- Foreword – Cases on Active Blended Learning in Higher Education, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7856-8, 7 April 2021;
- Strategic Update for ALT Members – CEO Report, altc Blog, 29 March 2021;
- Copyright Waffle podcast with Dr Maren Deepwell, CEO of ALT – podcast and blogpost, 26 March 2021;
- Setting standards for ethical professional practice in edtech, in The Future of Educational Technology, 23 March 2021;
- What were learning technologists’ experiences of 2020? with Helen O’Sullivan, Wonkhe, 16 March 2021;
- FEresearch podcast episode episode 24 talking about the FE Community of Practice sector audit and AmplifyFE, hosted by Jo Fletcher-Saxon, 8 March 2021;
- Guest Post: Remixing our Open Education Online Conference, on the OERxDomains Blog, 10 February 2021;
- New #APConnect workshop programme – we’re bringing the outside in, #constellations keep their borders open: workshop with Emma Procter-Legg focused on AmplifyFE;
- 25 Years of Ed Tech: Between the Chapters #11 podcast sharing about OER & our open practices with Dr Judith Pate, Dr Catherine Cronin and Virginia Rhodes.
- VocTeach FE Symposium: Aggregating High Quality Online Educational Resources for FE, talk about AmplifyFE, 17 December 2020;
- Opening plenary: A new ethical framework for Learning Technology, ALT Online Winter Conference, Plenary Chair, 15 December 2020;
- How effective is it? The Pedagogy of EdTech, EdTech Summit panel chair, EdTech Summit, 18 November 2020;
- Keynote: Open Education and Ethical Futures, with Frances Bell, Tannis Morgan and Anne-Marie Scott, OE Global Conference, 16 November 2020;
- What’s next for VocTech and FE? appearance on the VocTech Podcast #214 during the Week of VocTech, listen here, November 2020;
- OLC Global Leadership programme, talk on digital transformation, 15 October 2020;
- CPD Panel at MoodleMoot Ireland & UK, 30 September 2020;
- Learning from 25 years of TEL history to prepare for an uncertain future (slides) – Keynote at the 2020 International eAssessment Question Virtual Conference, online, 23 June 2020;
- Panel: Technology Enhanced Learning – NO BUILDINGS FROM SEPTEMBER: What on earth do we do about the learning experience?, online, 7 May 2020;
- Radical Openness: OLCIdeate Salon with Maren Deepwell, Robin DeRosa, Gerry Hanley, Leigh Graves Wolf, Rajiv Jhangiani, 24 April 2020;
- How we run an online conference: ALT shares expertise: live webinars, recorded session (session 1), slides with links to resources, related blog post by Martin Hawksey, April 2020;
- Wikimedia in Education Summit, 26 February 2020;
- From empowered professional practice to empowerment in the age of surveillance (slides): joint keynote with Martin Hawksey, Data Human Interaction workshop, Edinburgh, 7 February 2020;
- From Administration to Leadership: Scaling Up the Impact of Learning Technology (slides); keynote for the Delivering Technology Enhanced Learning Across Higher Education conference, organised by Inside Government, 28 January 2020;
- Future of Assessment in Higher Education group, continues from 2019.
- Maren Deepwell: Open Communities, podcast for Projekt Hamburg Open Online University, 19 December 2019.
- Leading Change through Open Conversational Digital Practice, OEB 2019, Berlin, Germany, 29 November 2019;
- Open for a cause: fostering participation in society and education, panel conversation with Lorna Campbell and Audrey Watters, Wikimedia Deutschland, 27 November 2019;
- Open for Whom? A short keynote provocation, OLC Accelerate Global Online Summit, 19 Nov 2019;
- Learning Technology as a Professional Practice: Developing a Critical Perspective, Educause Review, 14 October 2019;
- Re-invigorating the FELTAG agenda – keynote with Bob Harrison for the 4th Annual Further Education Technology Forum, London, UK, 24 September 2019;
- Podcast: Interviews from the 2019 Association for Learning Technology Conference in Edinburgh, September 2019;
- Education technology is political – we need professionals to make it work, wonkhe, article with Melissa Highton, 3 September 2019
- HUMANITY OF DATA.. #ALTC on, 27 August 2019;
- Podcast: Gettin’ Air with Terry Greene, 23 August 2019;
- Building a Network for Curation – the #femedtech movement, blog post for WCET, 22 August 2019;
- Further Education Trust for Leadership (FETL) Symposium, speaker, 17 July 2019;
- Maren Deepwell in conversation with… a new #altc interview series, from July 2019;
- You are more than a data point. Weaving a tapestry of hope and humanity. Keynote for 25th ETUG Annual Conference, Canada, June 2019.
- Technology and Education: opportunities and challenges for equality, University of Sussex, 17 May 2019;
- Webinar: Equality in Learning Technology: New insights from ALT’s Annual Survey, with Martin Hawksey, 15 May 2019
- Reporting UK OER Developments and OER19 with Martin Hawksey at the Creative Commons Global Summit, Lisbon, Portugal, 9-10 May 2019;
- Virtual Teams: Different voices, shared professional practice #PressEdConf19 – a Twitter presentation with Martin Hawksey, 17 April 2019;
- #femedtech open space at OER19, with Frances Bell, Lorna Campbell, Sheila MacNeill and other contributors, Galway, Ireland, 10 April 2019;
- Westminster Higher Education Forum Keynote Seminar: Technology in higher education, 28 March 2019;
- Who’s responsible for the future of open? #femedtech #oer19, contribution to #femedtech Open Space for OER19 conference;
- People-powered innovation: #RIDE2019 keynote, the 13th Research and Innovation in Distance Education, and eLearning (RIDE) annual conference, 13 March 2019;
- Promoting equality in a distributed organisation, joint keynote with Martin Hawksey for International Women’s Day, University of the Highlands and Islands, 8 March 2019;
- Podcast on open leadership & virtual teams with Martin Hawksey (companion post), 10 January 2019;
- Community, Openness, Equality: a keynote in three hashtags #SocMedHE18 (talk, video): Social Media for Learning in Higher Education conference, 9 January 2019.
- Three characteristics of highly successful Learning Technology organisations, article in InTuition, December 2018.
- My report as CEO of ALT, November 2018
- Learning Technology in Higher Education – challenges and opportunities, keynote talk, SEDA Annual Conference, 15 November 2018;
- Book review: Book review: Learning Technology – A Handbook for FE Teachers and Assessors, October 2018;
- Looking at FELTG 5 years on: what more can we do, keynote talk, FELTAG Symposium, 26 September 2018;
- Beyond Advocacy, keynote, ALT Annual Conference, 11-13 September 2018 (watch video);
- The state of education technology in higher education on Wonkhe, 11 September 2018;
- My report as CEO of ALT, August 2018
- Staff development for Blended Learning? An international perspective from Hong Kong Universities, post on the Efficiency Exchange, 29 July 2018;
- LTHEchat revisited #altc – Beyond advocacy for change: developing critical & open approaches in Learning Technology, #altc blog 14 June 2018;
- Beyond advocacy for change – developing critical & open approaches in Learning Technology, #LTHEchat, 6 June 2018;
- The quality of metrics matters: how we measure the impact of research in Learning Technology, gasta at EdTech 2018, Carlow, Ireland, 31 May 2018,
- My report as CEO of ALT, May 2018
- Critical Perspectives on blended learning, keynote at BOLT Symposium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 3 May 2018,
- Wanted: a digital vision (PolicyViewSpring2018), opinion piece in InTuition magazine, Issue 31, Spring 2018,
- Seminar for the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport: Staying one step ahead at the intersection of technology, industry and education, 14 March 2018;
- Keynote at the launch of ALT Members Northern Ireland on International Women’s Day, 8 March 2018,
- Openness in education: a call to action for policy makers, with Lorna Campbell, Wonkhe, 8 March 2018,
- Talking about professionalisation in Learning Technology, Jisc Digifest, 6 March 2018
- Monthly blog post series on organisational transformation, with Martin Hawksey, from March 2018,
- Edtech start up guide, post on the #altc blog, 1 March 2018
- My report as CEO of ALT, February 2018
- Joint Report with the Chair of ALT, Sheila MacNeill on strategic progress, 1 Feb 2018
- Stories of 2017, part 3: A year in socks and shoes and stickers
- Stories of 2017, part 2: The rise of the robots and the power of shared values
- Stories of 2017, part 1: The ‘digital’ Trojan Horse and the rise of Learning Technologists
- Podcast for Wonkhe
- Re-articulating What we Value: a New Vision for Learning Technology Professionals, Online Educa Berlin, 6-8 December 2017;
- In conversation with Panopto’s CEO, Panopto Conference, 21 November 2017;
- EdTech – What works, panel discussion at Wonkfest, Nov 2017;
- Putting professionals at the heart of education in the internet age – workshop at Mozfest 2017 run in collaboration with Martin Hawksey and Bryan M Mathers, 28 October 2017;
- ALT contributes to the world’s leading festival for the open Internet movement … #MozFest – blog post authored jointly with Martin Hawksey, altc blog, 5 October 2017;
- FELTAG: are we making it happen? article in FE News, 4 October 2017;
- Focusing on Workforce Development to Maximise Learning Technology Impact, keynote for FELTAG: Future of Learning Technology in FE conference, London, 21 September 2017;
- EdTech – is it all about policy? Interview with David Kernohan about policy for WonkHE, 7 September 2017;
- ALT Annual Conference preview with Sheila MacNeill and Lorna Campbell, radio Edutalk, 23 August 2017;
- Digital Skills development in the workforce, article in FE News, 22 Aug 2017;
- Accreditation fit for a (digital) purpose?, post on the Efficiency Exchange, 8 August 2017;
- Edtech Podcast: guest on episode 76 talking about ALT, Open Education and Star Trek, 27 July 2017;
- Intuition 28, published June 2017. Featured in article on Technology Enhanced Learning in Further Education and Training;
- OEB MidSummit, Reykjavik, 8-9 June 2017, workshop on developing leadership skills and a session on team development with Mark Brown & Larry Ragan;
- ILTA Annual Conference, Sligo, Ireland, 1-2 June 2017, slides & transcript and also a post on the altc blog with Martin Hawksey;
- OER17: Open Politics, 5-6 April, London: joint workshop with Bryan M Mathers;
- Contributor to the Emergency Rations #EdTechRations book edited by David Hopkins, published March 2017;
- Bett Show talk on CPD for Vocational Education, representing the Blended Learning Essentials project, 26 Jan, London;
- Guest post on the #altc blog, reviewing the #23things course, 23 Jan.
- Reflections on taking part with my team and individually in the digital knowledge course #23things run by the University of Edinburgh, Sept-Dec;
- Posts on learning how to code with the #FLCoding16 course on FutureLearn, October;
- Keynote: Group, Action, Technology, Learning, Empowerment, Future… FELTAG inside out, FELTAG Conference, 29 September, London;
- FE Week Interview about FELTAG and the future of Learning Technology in FE, published September 2016 (download the PDF);
- 2008-2016 in Learning Technology #altc: a review, August;
- FELTAG Revisited, a visual conversation/interview with Bryan Mathers, launched at the Skills Festival, August, London;
- Posts on the Digital Scholar course run by the Geneva Learning Foundation, June/July;
- Presentation at the Irish Learning Technology Association 2016 conference #edtech2016, 26-27 May, Dublin;
- Lead on aspects of the Blended Learning Essentials courses on FutureLearn funded by the Ufi Trust
- Reviewer for submissions to the #OER16 conference on Open Culture in Edinburgh, Scotland;
- Awarded CMALT by the Association for Learning Technology and you can read about and access my portfolio openly at;
- Highlights from the Bett Show 2016, joint #altc blog post with Martin Hawksey;
- Futurelearn guest blog post: How can we support teachers and trainers using digital technology, 26th Jan;
- Short article about FE policy and the Bett Show in FE Week, 22nd Jan;
- Bett Show 2016: presentation as part of FE & Skills learn live programme (20th Jan) on Blended Learning Essentials, an open course for vocational teachers and trainers on FutureLearn funded by the Ufi Trust.
- OEB15 presentation: Peer based accreditation for agile profesionalisation in Learning Technology, 3 December, and a number of related blog posts;
- Learning Technology: Re-thinking what’s essential. Article in FE Week as part of the Learning Technology supplement [PDF], December;
- Policy article, FE News, on education and training issues we share, 19 November;
- Parliament TV, giving evidence to the BIS Select Committee as part of the digital economy inquiry as chief executive of the Association for Learning Technology, 10 November. I am in the second evidence session, starting about 1 hour into the programme.
- Leadership and professional development in Learning Technology: series of bog posts and original drawings about undertaking CMALT, Sept – Nov;
- FE staff skills and area based reviews, article in FE News, 15 October;
- A series of blog posts as part of #rhizo15 open course organised by Dave Cormier May – June;
- Building a global ed tech future brick by brick , The Future of Mobile and Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher and Further Education Conference 29 April 2015, The University of Salford (see presentation);
- My ongoing experiment with leadership as an open practice;
- Professional literacies, leadership and learning technology, FE News, 17 April;
- Regular column, FE news including ‘Reflections from the Bett show 2015 on the future of technology for learners‘;
- Interview for the Digital Leader in a Digital Age project, Education and Training Foundation/Oxford Brookes University;
- Member of the Online Educa Berlin Advisory Committee (since 2012);
- Member of the Editorial Board for Research in Learning Technology (since 2012).
- The Big Digital Question, my Generation Tech video on the future of tech in the classroom;
- Representing ALT as a Member of the Education Technology Action Group, ETAG;
- Representing ALT as a Member of the Further Education Learning Technology Action Group (FELTAG), convened by Minister of State for Skills and Enterprise, Matthew Hancock at the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills. See ;
- Regular column, FE news;
- 9 December: Inside Government conference talk ‘Building a global ed tech
future brick by brick’ (Inside Government_MD_2014 PDF); - August: 1 August, workshop at UCL as part of the Changing the Learning Landscape programme about students and digital skills;
- July: Learning from Learning Technology, talk by me for the New Data Scientists workshop organised by Jisc and the European Commission, Amsterdam;
- June: opening keynote at the ALT Scotland SIG conference, 3 June, on Open Scotland – Open ALT;
- May: tutoring on week 1 of ocTEL 2014 – the Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning and other blogs for the course;
- April: Implementing innovation? making it work at scale. Talk by me at the STOA Workshop ‘New learning and Teaching Technology Options- European Parliament, Brussels – presentation on new data scientists and learning from Learning Technology
- March: AoC Learning Technology Conference 2014, keynote: Implementing innovation? Making it work at scale;
Massive open online courses: Welcome to the new wave of distance learning, 25 March, The Independent, contribution to article by Stephen Hoare;
Profile of Maren Deepwell in FELTAG supplement, FE Week; - January: Leadership Foundation for Higher Education conference, MOOCs: What we have learned, emerging themes and what next?
FE Week: New Year ideas.
- ocTEL – Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning,
- Maths Apps index, part of the Maths4Us initiative,
- Changing the Learning Landscape, Leadership Foundation for Higher Education
- Dec: Online Educa Berlin,
- Dec: NIACE digital frontier conference
- Sept: FE Week interview for the Learning Technology in FE and Skills supplement
- June: Radio 4, Today Programme
- June: LSIS Research Conference
- May: Westminster Education Forum
Doctoral Research, Department of Anthropology, UCL
Contested Futures – The Development of West Norwood Cemetery into the 21st Century. A Material Culture Perspective.
In the context of the challenges facing historical cemeteries in England, this thesis poses the question of how issues such as space shortages, decay and lack of income have developed over the last century, and examines how these issues are or how they can be addressed in order to provide a viable future for such cemeteries. Based on an in-depth ethnography of West Norwood Cemetery in London, with an emphasis on phenomenological exploration of its landscape and material culture, this thesis addresses the development, contemporary significance and situation of West Norwood Cemetery in order to gain insight into both its’ own and, by extension, other cemeteries’ contested futures.
Acknowledgements: This research has been fully funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). Further support has been provided by the UCL Graduate School. The data presented in this thesis was gathered with the permission and the help of many individuals and organizations, and I would like to acknowledge the co-operation of the Friends of West Norwood Cemetery, Lambeth Council, Stephen Barker, British Institute of Funeral Directors, Colourful Coffins Ltd, the Cemetery Research Group, Association of Burial Authorities, Friends of Highgate Cemetery and all cemetery staff, the Department of Anthropology, UCL, and Prof Chris Tilley.
Visit the cemeteryscapes blog.
You can access either the full text or abstracts to most online via the links provided.
- Virtual, Eco-friendly or Domestic: Questioning the Transformation of Death in 21st Century Britain, 2008,;
- Contested futures: contemporary practices in West Norwood Cemetery, 2007,;
- Theory & Practice: Contemporary Approaches to Anthropological Methodology, 2008, Research & Methodology Seminar, University of the Arts;
- Contested Futures: The Material Culture of Cemeteries, 2006,
- Foundation Course in Art & Design, Kingsway College, 1997-1999
- BA (Hons) Fine Art and Critical Theory, Goldsmiths College, 1999-2002
- Research Fellowship, Athens School of Fine Art, 2002-2003