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Selected links to resources, talks and other work.












  • OEB15 presentation: Peer based accreditation for agile profesionalisation in Learning Technology, 3 December, and a number of related blog posts;
  • Learning Technology: Re-thinking what’s essential. Article in FE Week as part of the Learning Technology supplement [PDF], December;
  • Policy article, FE News, on education and training issues we share, 19 November;
  • Parliament TV, giving evidence to the BIS Select Committee as part of the digital economy inquiry as chief executive of the Association for Learning Technology, 10 November. I am in the second evidence session, starting about 1 hour into the programme.
  • Leadership and professional development in Learning Technology: series of bog posts and original drawings about undertaking CMALT, Sept – Nov;
  • FE staff skills and area based reviews, article in FE News, 15 October;
  • A series of blog posts as part of #rhizo15 open course organised by Dave Cormier May – June;
  • Building a global ed tech future brick by brick , The Future of Mobile and Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher and Further Education Conference 29 April 2015, The University of Salford (see presentation);
  • My ongoing experiment with leadership as an open practice;
  • Professional literacies, leadership and learning technology, FE News, 17 April;
  • Regular column, FE news including ‘Reflections from the Bett show 2015 on the future of technology for learners‘;
  • Interview for the Digital Leader in a Digital Age project, Education and Training Foundation/Oxford Brookes University;
  • Member of the Online Educa Berlin Advisory Committee (since 2012);
  • Member of the Editorial Board for Research in Learning Technology (since 2012).



  • The Big Digital Question, my Generation Tech video on the future of tech in the classroom;
  • Representing ALT as a Member of the Education Technology Action Group, ETAG;
  • Representing ALT as a Member of the Further Education Learning Technology Action Group (FELTAG), convened by Minister of State for Skills and Enterprise, Matthew Hancock at the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills. See ;
  • Regular column, FE news;
  • 9 December: Inside Government conference talk ‘Building a global ed tech
    future brick by brick’ (Inside Government_MD_2014 PDF);
  • August: 1 August, workshop at UCL as part of the Changing the Learning Landscape programme about students and digital skills;
  • July: Learning from Learning Technology, talk by me for the New Data Scientists workshop organised by Jisc and the European Commission, Amsterdam;
  • June: opening keynote at the ALT Scotland SIG conference, 3 June, on Open Scotland – Open ALT;
  • May: tutoring on week 1 of ocTEL 2014 – the Open Course in Technology Enhanced Learning and other blogs for the course;
  • April: Implementing innovation? making it work at scale. Talk by me at the STOA Workshop ‘New learning and Teaching Technology Options- European Parliament, Brussels – presentation on new data scientists and learning from Learning Technology
  • March: AoC Learning Technology Conference 2014, keynote: Implementing innovation? Making it work at scale;
    Massive open online courses: Welcome to the new wave of distance learning, 25 March, The Independent, contribution to article by Stephen Hoare;
    Profile of Maren Deepwell in FELTAG supplement, FE Week;
  • January: Leadership Foundation for Higher Education conference, MOOCs: What we have learned, emerging themes and what next?
    FE Week: New Year ideas.



  • Dec: Online Educa Berlin,
  • Dec: NIACE digital frontier conference
  • Sept: FE Week interview for the Learning Technology in FE and Skills supplement
  • June: Radio 4, Today Programme
  • June: LSIS Research Conference
  • May: Westminster Education Forum

Doctoral Research, Department of Anthropology, UCL

Thesis coverContested Futures – The Development of West Norwood Cemetery into the 21st Century. A Material Culture Perspective.

In the context of the challenges facing historical cemeteries in England, this thesis poses the question of how issues such as space shortages, decay and lack of income have developed over the last century, and examines how these issues are or how they can be addressed in order to provide a viable future for such cemeteries. Based on an in-depth ethnography of West Norwood Cemetery in London, with an emphasis on phenomenological exploration of its landscape and material culture, this thesis addresses the development, contemporary significance and situation of West Norwood Cemetery in order to gain insight into both its’ own and, by extension, other cemeteries’ contested futures.

Acknowledgements: This research has been fully funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). Further support has been provided by the UCL Graduate School. The data presented in this thesis was gathered with the permission and the help of many individuals and organizations, and I would like to acknowledge the co-operation of the Friends of West Norwood Cemetery, Lambeth Council, Stephen Barker, British Institute of Funeral Directors, Colourful Coffins Ltd, the Cemetery Research Group, Association of Burial Authorities, Friends of Highgate Cemetery and all cemetery staff, the Department of Anthropology, UCL, and Prof Chris Tilley.

Visit the Cemeteryscapes archivescemeteryscapes blog.

You can access either the full text or abstracts to most online via the links provided.

  • Virtual, Eco-friendly or Domestic: Questioning the Transformation of Death in 21st Century Britain, 2008,;
  • Contested futures: contemporary practices in West Norwood Cemetery, 2007,;
  • Theory & Practice: Contemporary Approaches to Anthropological Methodology, 2008, Research & Methodology Seminar, University of the Arts;
  • Contested Futures: The Material Culture of Cemeteries, 2006,


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  • Foundation Course in Art & Design, Kingsway College, 1997-1999
  • BA (Hons) Fine Art and Critical Theory, Goldsmiths College, 1999-2002
  • Research Fellowship, Athens School of Fine Art, 2002-2003