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Maren Deepwell Posts

New course coming up… autumn 2024

I regularly offer dedicated workshops and short courses for leaders and managers who manage people or projects in hybrid or fully remote settings. Over the past two years I have run several of these and each cohort has been a wonderful experience. Although much of my work now is focused on helping other organisations design and build similar offerings for their own staff, I love the freedom that running my own courses offers – both…

The joy of not working.

This month I am taking a proper break from work for the first time since I started working on a self-employed basis full-time. I love running my own micro-business, but when it comes to taking holidays it’s not yet working for me. I find myself fretting about work and checking emails or committing to things because of my clients’ schedules and as a result taking a complete break from work hasn’t happened so far. Now…

A year of teaching Digital Wellbeing

This past academic year I have worked on a number of different projects all connected by the theme digital wellbeing. This post brings these different strands of work together and offers some key take aways. Now, before we jump in it’s worth being clear what we mean by the term ‘digital wellbeing’: It’s interesting that in one context technology is seen as a solution to managing health and wellbeing and in the other we have…

Fresh adventures in podcasting

This week I am giving a short talk about podcasting at the University of Oxford. The talk is called 5 ways to get started ​with podcasting, and explores 5 ways to develop your own professional practice in podcasting and explore ways of connecting with audiences beyond social media.​ During the talk I explore: If you’d like to listen to the talk then you are in luck, as I’ve recorded a dedicated podcast episode 🙂 and…

Twenty years of blogging… now on ReclaimPress

I recently shared that as part of my work with Reclaim Hosting, I had the privilege to talk with Bryan Mathers and Meredith Huffman about the story behind ReclaimPress and as a result there’s a case study all about ReclaimPress on Reclaim the blog, that is definitely worth having a look at (I wrote it, so I might be a little biased, but hearing from Bryan and getting a healthy dose of his creative genius…

Fully fledged coach, ACC

This week I passed my final exam and earned my ACC credential from the International Coaching Federation! It’s taken me two and a half years to achieve this milestone, so there’s much to celebrate. Coach Training complete, for now I’ve reflected previously on my coach training journey and I remain very impressed with the overall process (even though the final proctored exam made my edtech heart bleed). Initially I was focused on using coaching approaches…

Non-fiction writing: May 2024

Usually I publish a post about things I am reading every month, but this time, I wanted to share an update on things I am writing instead. Some of you may have already spotted that one of the menu items on my blog has changed from ‘book’ to ‘books‘; together with this blog post it’s the first sign of things to come as there is indeed a new book in the works. YAY! New book…

WiAL Webinar: My Leadership Journey

The ASCILITE’s Women in Academic Leadership Initiative aims to provide mentoring opportunities for academics and brings together its members via a community approach to support each other to progress in academia. Thanks to a recent invitation to speak at an upcoming WiAL webinar, I have started to think about my journey as a leader and what I could usefully share with this group of inspiring and aspiring academic leaders. My story, like so many of…

From Record Store to ReclaimPress.

I feel very lucky to continue my work with the awesome team at Reclaim into summer, and this month I have bagged myself one of the best pieces of work going: a conversation with Bryan Mathers all about that unique vinyl aesthetic and the brand new venture that is ReclaimPress. Over the last 10-12 years I have had the privilege of collaborating on many projects with Bryan, and I deeply appreciate his listening skills, his…

Open leadership in practice: Unsung hero skills

Recently, I have done much work in leadership development. Both in the workplace and when I coach clients, I come across emerging and established leaders who have developed strengths and skills gradually over time, whether through informal learning or through practice or also outside of work. Especially where skills have come easily, grown over a period of time or when we have learnt something just for fun, these are often overlooked in favour of those…