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Fresh blogging inspiration

It’s an exciting time for blogging as Reclaim’s newly established Blogging Community of Practice, AKA Bloggers Anonymous, is gathering momentum. If you are interested in learning more and maybe getting involved, check out the details at the bottom of this post.

EdTech Bloggers ‘Starter Pack’

One of the things I am feeling inspired by is seeing folk join a growing collection of edtech bloggers on Bluesky. I love finding out about others’ work, read more posts by folk I don’t usually follow (yet) and also find a sense of fellowship with other bloggers out there.

Blogging about blogging

Alongside this I am super grateful to Lorna Campbell for putting together this very useful post “For those about to blog”. I always appreciate reading Lorna’s posts, and this one is especially timely as it brings together some useful advice and resources for anyone looking for practical advice or straightforward inspiration for blogging.

Lorna puts it so well:

As the social media landscape has become increasingly toxic and fragmented, people are increasingly seeking other channels to share their ideas and practice, connect with their peers, and build community.  As a result, there’s been a welcome resurgence in blogging, newsletters and small-scale podcasting over the last year or so.  These forms of communication are less tied to specific social media platforms, giving creators more control over work and who they share it with.  At times like these it’s been really encouraging to see familiar communities and independent voices reemerging across the web.  So if you’re new to blogging, or if you need a boost to get started again, here’s some resources that might help.

Definitely a recommended read!

Join Reclaim’s Blogging Community of Practice

There is a dedicated channel set up in Reclaim’s Discord Community Space. This is a friendly social space where everyone is welcome and which is free to join.

Get started

One Comment

  1. Alan Levine Alan Levine

    I applaud this valiant effort! It’s absolutely in the center of the ethos at Reclaim Hosting. While a number of folks are thinking of this as some kind of resurgence I am not so convinced or even concerned that blogging becomes mainstream. I like it as a niche act, but then every new person we can bring along makes it that much better.

    I have been smiling at seeing submissions or links from people where they have a link to their “blog” and it’s a substack. I guess its not worth it to be a purist, if someone is writing and publishing as mainly email, and the writing is good, we ought to be okay.

    Thus I enjoy that there’s no “right” way to blog. The wrong way is not blogging!


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