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Welcome to my blog. I’m Dr Maren Deepwell and I work as an independent consultant with organisations and (emerging) leaders in education and the not-for-profit sector as an executive trouble shooter, strategic advisor and coach. I am particularly interested in authentic leadership and unconventional career development, digital wellbeing and sustainability.

My academic background is in Anthropology and Fine Art and I am as passionate about pen and paper as I am about the newest digital technologies. Whether I work with a fully virtual team, facilitating a blended workshop or meeting on campus, I bring creativity and curiosity to my work as a leader and a coach.

If you are curious about the work I do, explore my free courses, resources and my podcast via which I openly share my expertise in hybrid working and professional development.

Recent posts

  • Analogue into autumn (or fall)
    I was recently in Germany visiting family. As it happens, I was there in the first week of school and I really enjoyed seeing kids with their brand new school cases and backpacks walking and cycling to school with their parents each morning. It was a very picturesque kind of late summer feel. The leaves were just starting to turn and it took me back to the excitement of starting school and later university terms.…
  • Event preview: ALT CPD webinar – 25th September
    This month I am excited to join my former home institution for a lunchtime CPD session! I was really glad to be invited back and looking forward to working with the community of learning technology professionals for this free event. What’s in store During International Week of Happiness at Work, this webinar offers a session specifically designed for Learning Technologists looking to increase wellbeing at work. We’ll explore how increased use of digital technologies for communication…
  • Healthy Hybrid Habits for Managers and Leaders
    For many of us, hybrid working is here to stay. In my work with education professionals and entrepreneurs I support managers and leaders looking for new strategies for virtual and hybrid teams. This includes running effective hybrid team meetings, keeping oversight of progress, helping their teams be at their best and everything in-between. If it’s part of your role to translate the newfound flexibility of the hybrid workplace into effective working practices then my course,…