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Happy Holidays… blogging 2023!

It’s time to write the final blog post for the year and I am taking a look back at what I have blogged in 2023, and in the best tradition of the form, to blog about blogging once again. And, if you missed one of these, now is a good time to catch up and bookmark posts for future reading.

Half way through the year I took stock, and in the first six months of the year I had written 43 blog posts. The average per month was 7 per month. January was the month with the most posts (10) and March and April were the month with the fewest posts (5).

Now, at the last count I wrote 72 blog posts in 2023! So 30 blog posts in the second half of 2023 for a strong finish in the autumn and winter, and an average of 6 posts per month over the whole of the year.

Top 10 posts

  1. Must read post of the year: Festive Karaoke. Reclaiming online fun…
  2. Special Guest Post of the Year: Leading Virtual Teams Revisited – with Martin Hawksey
  3. Post which “exploded” on LinkedIn Are you returning to the office, five days a week? The week in hybrid working click bait headlines…
  4. Post which I had the most fun posting: Holiday debrief (in watercolour)
  5. Post which made me feel most nostalgic: Feeling like a CEO?! – My last career transition update: July 2023
  6. Post with the most comments: OER23 Conference: a whole lotta love
  7. Post that was shared most widely: The world is bigger than my desk. 
  8. Post that was read most widely: Thank you #EDEN2023
  9. Post that had the most successful podcast companion episode: What’s so important about open practice for hybrid leaders?
  10. Post that I enjoyed writing the most: A party without a cake is just a meeting…

All the blog posts on one page

January (10)

February (9)

March (5)

April (5)

May (6)

June (8)

July (4)

August (3)

September (5)

October (5)

November (7)

December (6)

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One Comment

  1. It is really impressive when you lay them all out in a post like this, that’s a lot of good think on the open web, blogging is faith in sharing, and that’s just one reason to love it.

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