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#LVT23 How to Lead Virtual Teams: Part 4 – Fostering a shared team culture

This post provides all the information you need for Part 4: Leading team activities (originally released 12 May ’23). Each part includes a podcast to listen to, prompts to help you reflect on your practice and inspiration to explore the topic further. 

Mid-point check-in – 5 min

Before we jump into the new topic, let’s check-in with how things are going halfway through the course. You can do this simply with a pen and paper, or if you are keeping notes somewhere throughout the course, go back to the notes you made during orientation week. During orientation, you were invited to set intentions for the course. We explored what you most want to get out of the course, and what you’d like to learn more about. We also considered what constraints might block your progress.

Check in with your intentions now and really focus on your needs and interest. What has sparked your curiosity? When did you stop to think about something new? What concerns have arisen? Note your reflections and re-adjust your approach to taking part.

If you are just getting started or catching up with topics you have missed, you can find all the information you need below:

Past topics:

Podcast | Blog post | Part 1: Orientation and a brief introduction to Leading Virtual Teams
Podcast | Blog post | Part 2: How we work and onboard new colleagues
Podcast | Blog post | Part 3: Setting shared expectations

This week:
Podcast | Blog post | Part 4: Fostering a shared team culture (12 May ’23)

Future topics: 
Part 5: Leading team activities (19 May ’23)
Part 6: Course reflection – Setting intentions for your practice (26 May ’23)

Check-in done? If you’d like to share your reflections you can use the hashtag #lvt23 on MastodonInstagram and Twitter. I always love to hear from you and how things are going, so you are most welcome to drop me a line via email, too. Simply respond to one of the course emails with your thoughts.

Listen to the course podcast

This course is podcast based and you can take part by simply listening each week as a new topic is released.

This week’s episode:
S02E15 – How to Lead Virtual Teams: Part 4 – Fostering a shared team culture

Working in innovative ways, as virtual and hybrid teams, offers us the opportunity to re-imagine how work and what our day to day feels like. In this episode (34 min), I’ll be discussing ways of fostering a shared team culture. Simply put, we’ll be exploring the question ‘What do you want your team or organisation feel like on a day to day basis?’ and how do you achieve that. For this topic, we’ll be referring mainly to examples from Chapter 2 of ⁠⁠Leading Virtual Teams⁠⁠.

Reflect on this topic

These prompts are designed to help you identify blind spots and open up new ways to think about the way you work. Setting aside some time to reflect will help you develop your critical, analytical and reflective skills as a leader or manager:

  • How would you describe the culture in your team or organisation?
  • Are there any existing problems or habits you are seeking to change?
  • What would you like to see happen?
  • What are the barriers that are stopping you?
  • What experience and skills will help you achieve your aims?

Explore tools and resources

Here are some further tools and resources to explore if you’d like to take a deeper dive:

Say hello #lvt23

If you’d like to connect with me and other participants during the course, use the hashtag #lvt23 on MastodonInstagram and Twitter. I’ll be posting a few times each week during the course, and I’d love to hear from you.