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Thank you #EDEN2023

I had a fabulous time at the EDEN Annual Conference, and really enjoyed giving my keynote on Tuesday. If you’d like to revisit the talk, you can explore the slides and a summary or watch the recording on Youtube:

It’s been inspiring and motivating to have input and feedback from so many delegates, and it was an honour to share the stage with so many brilliant speakers in Dublin.

If you’re keen to catch up with talks and resources, revisit the conversation #EDEN2023, or watch one of the many videos available on the EDEN Youtube Channel.

ALT and EDEN have much in common, and I enjoyed spending three days with colleagues from across Europe and many other parts of the world sharing practice and policy. It reminded me of how much we have in common and how much we can learn from each other if we take the time to do so.

This was my first experience of the EDEN Annual Conference, but not my first time at DCU, this year’s host organisation, and I was very impressed by how welcoming and well-organised the event was. Dinner at the digital museum for immigration, EPIC, was a particular highlight for me.

Image credit: with kind permission of Mark Brown, DCU / EDEN 2023.

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