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How to… Lead Virtual Teams.

I am really excited to share a glimpse at my next project: How to… Lead Virtual Teams – a course in ten podcasts.

What is it like to manage a virtual team and to lead an organisation from home? How can you not only meet budget targets and KPIs but balance business needs with employee happiness and wellbeing?

My aim for Leading Virtual Teams as a book was to explore current practice in succeeding in a virtual workplace and questions what the future may hold. The book provides practical advice and case studies as a source of inspiration and a prompt for reflection for virtual teams and their leaders. From recruitment and induction to establishing effective and sustainable ways of working in the virtual workplace for small and medium sized organisations, this book explores the highs and lows of what it means to work from home long-term and sets out a new kind of professionalism for virtual teams.

The course I am running this spring translates the ideas in the book into practice.

If you’d like to learn more about leading virtual teams, then join in and come along. This course translates key parts of the book into practice:

  • Onboarding and setting expectations
  • Fostering a shared team culture
  • Managing people and processes
  • Strategies for succeeding in hybrid workplaces in the long term

The course offers a unique blend of inspiration, practical support and resources.

Curious? Here’s what’s in store.

The course is free to join and open to all. It is designed for emerging and established leaders and managers working in a hybrid or fully virtual setting. The course offers you opportunities to listen, reflect and explore:


The course has ten parts and each part is introduced by a podcast episode that sets out the key ideas for the topic. I have chosen the podcast format to enable you to follow the course at your own pace, listening when it suits you and also to minimise screen time needed to take part in the course.

Whether you listen to the course as you walk the dog, cook or sit in a comfy chair, this course is designed to take you away from your screen and constant stream of notifications. You just have to listen.


Each topic is accompanied by prompts and questions to help you reflect on your professional practice. You will use these prompts to take a deeper dive into ways of working in the hybrid workplace and reflect on how your leadership style aligns to your goals and values. Each topic will help you reflect on your a different aspect of your approach, your agency and authenticity.

You can choose whether you write your reflections down, share them with others in the course or keep them private for yourself.


In addition to the podcast, each topic comes with a short summary blog post, which includes resources and tools to explore. Some topics will include structured activities for you to try out, others will link to external sources for more inspiration.