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It’s good to meet you. I’m Dr Maren Deepwell and I work as an independent consultant with organisations and (emerging) leaders in education and the not-for-profit sector as an executive trouble shooter, strategic advisor and coach. I am particularly interested in authentic leadership and unconventional career development, digital wellbeing and sustainability.

My academic background is in Anthropology and Fine Art and I am as passionate about pen and paper as I am about the newest digital technologies. Whether I work with a fully virtual team, facilitating a blended workshop or meeting on campus, I bring creativity and curiosity to my work as a leader and a coach.

If you are curious about the work I do, explore my free courses, resources and my podcast via which I openly share my expertise in hybrid working and professional development.

Free courses & pro bono coaching

I regularly offer free workshops and courses as well as coaching as part of my commitment to offering a minimum of 10% of my work on a pro bono basis. The following courses and course materials are currently available:

  • Hybrid Working Habits (Autumn 2023) – a free 4 part course designed to share practical tips that you can use to find ways to make hybrid working really work for you (or you team or organisation) in the long term.
  • How to Lead Virtual Teams (Spring 2023) – a free 6 part course for emerging and established leaders.

Recent posts

  • The joy of not working.
    This month I am taking a proper break from work for the first time since I started working on a self-employed basis full-time. I love running my own micro-business, but when it comes to taking holidays it’s not yet working for me. I find myself fretting about work and checking emails or committing to things because of my clients’ schedules and as a result taking a complete break from work hasn’t happened so far. Now…
  • A year of teaching Digital Wellbeing
    This past academic year I have worked on a number of different projects all connected by the theme digital wellbeing. This post brings these different strands of work together and offers some key take aways. Now, before we jump in it’s worth being clear what we mean by the term ‘digital wellbeing’: It’s interesting that in one context technology is seen as a solution to managing health and wellbeing and in the other we have…
  • Fresh adventures in podcasting
    This week I am giving a short talk about podcasting at the University of Oxford. The talk is called 5 ways to get started โ€‹with podcasting, and explores 5 ways to develop your own professional practice in podcasting and explore ways of connecting with audiences beyond social media.โ€‹ During the talk I explore: If you’d like to listen to the talk then you are in luck, as I’ve recorded a dedicated podcast episode ๐Ÿ™‚ and…