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Topic 3: Hybrid Working Habits

This is part 3 of my free course all about Hybrid Working Habits. New course topics are released via email and the podcast on Fridays. You need to be registered to receive course emails and it’s not too late to sign up free.

Hello there!

For many of us the default mode of collaborating virtually is a video call. In my experience very few people have the know-how to make these truly work as collaboration spaces, no matter how good the technology is or how many hours of synchronously working online you cram into your day.

This topic explores how we can increase productivity away from the screen. What would your day or week look like with much fewer meetings but more time to work together? This topic is packed with strategies for communicating and collaborating outside of meetings. And… for those of us that can’t avoid them all together, there are also tips to make collaboration work in video calls. But really, there are much better ways to get things done 🙂

Taking things at your own pace? The course is designed so that you can dip in and out of topics. Go back to topic 1 and topic 2 any time.

Step away from your screen and listen

The course is podcast based and new episodes released weekly on Fridays. The podcast is called Leading Virtual Teams and you can find it on: AnchorApple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts and Spotify

If you are registered for the course you will receive a weekly email as new course episodes are released, and you can also subscribe to the podcast to make sure you don’t miss a course episode. 

Resources and tools for this topic

Resources and further reading:

Take a deeper dive: Virtual Team Building in Practice, Chapter 2 and 3 of ⁠⁠Leading Virtual Teams.

Meeting around a document by Visual Thinkery is licensed under CC-BY-ND

Help and orientation

Our Course information page provides a handy guide to the course.

During the course, if you need help or have questions, get in touch with me via email (simply reply to any course email) or drop me a line on Instagram or LinkedIn.

Curious to find out more about the work I do? Check out my blog, information about my work as coach or recent talks. If you’d like to learn more about working or coaching with me, get in touch and subscribe to my free monthly newsletter .

Oh hi there 👋 It’s good to meet you.

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