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Topic 4: Hybrid Working Habits

This is the final part of my free course all about Hybrid Working Habits

You made it – well done!

This is the final part of the course, so well done if you’ve made it to this stage 🙂 I hope that along the way you found things to inspire you as well as some practical help.

To conclude the course, this topic is about how to communicate more effectively in ways that works for you and reduce digital overwhelm. Whether you are feeling distracted by constant notifications or unable to find time to focus because of an overflowing inbox, this topic tackles tech overload with a digital detox kit.

We find ways to have screen free time, including meal times and breaks without a phone in hand. We explore how to communicate less often, but more effectively. We also look at how to reduce digital overwhelm whilst being present and (re)gaining control over the tools we use to connect.

@lizandmollie on Instagram

Listen to the course podcast

The course is podcast based and new episodes released weekly on Fridays. The podcast is called Leading Virtual Teams and you can find it on: AnchorApple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts and Spotify.

If you are registered for the course you will receive a weekly email as new course episodes are released, and you can also subscribe to the podcast to make sure you don’t miss a course episode. 

Resources and tools for this topic

Resources and further reading:

Ready to take a deeper dive? The course is inspired by my book, Leading Virtual Teams. If you’d like to read more about hybrid working and leading hybrid teams, download the book for free.

Missed a topic?

Our Course information page provides a handy guide to the course and links to all previous topics:

1: Audit your hybrid working habits to find out how your current habits are impacting on you and what to change;
2: Set boundaries for a better life/work balance and stick to them even when things are busy;
3: Increase productivity away from the screen by using strategies for communicating and collaborating outside of meetings;
4: Communicate more effectively in the hybrid workplace in a way that works for you and reduces digital overwhelm.

If you need help or have questions, get in touch with me via email (simply reply to any course email) or drop me a line on Instagram or LinkedIn.

What’s next?

What is your next step? How do you put your intentions into practice?

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