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Topic 1: Hybrid Working Habits

Welcome! This is part 1 of my free course all about Hybrid Working Habits.
New here? Head over to help and orientation at the bottom of the page.


When it comes to working from home, hybrid or fully virtual working the reality is different for everyone. What works for you depends a lot on your individual circumstances at home or at the office, what other commitments you are juggling and your relationship with technology, too. Some of us love the buzz of being constantly connected and others prefer time to focus without interruptions or a mix of both.

In the first part of the course, we’ll focus on how to Audit your hybrid working habits. We’ll be using different tools to find out your current habits help or hinder your progress and productivity and identify what you want more of in your working life: more collaboration, more quiet time to really focus, more movement or something else.

Ready to dive in?

The course is podcast based and new episodes released weekly on Fridays. The podcast is called Leading Virtual Teams and you can find it on: AnchorApple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts and Spotify

If you are registered for the course you will receive a weekly email as new course episodes are released, and you can also subscribe to the podcast to make sure you don’t miss a course episode. Subscribe to the podcast.

Resources and tools for this topic

Reflective tool: Try out the Hybrid Working Wheel using the Modes of Working chart from Leading Virtual Teams book, and listen to the dedicated podcast episode. If you’d like to develop your approach to reflecting on your professional practice, then have a look at the dedicated activity in Chapter 2 of Leading Virtual Teams, which includes helpful hints and practical tips to get you started.

Further reading:

Help and orientation

Our Course information page provides a handy guide to the course. New course topics are released via email and the podcast on Fridays. You need to be registered to receive the email. If you haven’t yet registered, it’s not too late to sign up free.

During the course, if you need help or have questions, get in touch with me via email (simply reply to any course email) or drop me a line on Instagram or LinkedIn.

Curious to find out more about the work I do? Check out my blog, information about my work as coach or recent talks. If you’d like to learn more about working or coaching with me, get in touch and subscribe to my free monthly newsletter .

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