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Connections lost and found

This blog post is a signpost.. one of many “I am leaving this platform… follow me on here” messages that folk are sharing at the moment in the wake of the continued [insert your own word here] on Twitter. So if you’d like to connect professionally, follow my updates or learn more about my work, here’s where to find me:

Read, listen, subscribe

Monthly newsletter
I send out a monthly email newsletter with updates about my work, posts and resources. It’s a handy way to have everything on one place. It’s currently hosted on Mailchimp and you can subscribe/unsubscribe anytime.

Podcast: Leading Virtual Teams
Available on a range of platforms and RSS feed, my weekly podcast about home/hybrid working, leading teams online and finding life/work balance with special guests and resources baked in for extra goodness.

My own domain on which I write about things that interest me. Subscribe to new posts via RSS.

Read in print or online
If the whole internet is too much just now, download your free digital copy or order a copy of Leading Virtual Teams in print.

One page a year: Archive
I maintain a list of my activities on my archive page, which lists a lot of what I do including talks, articles and podcasts.

A screenshot of my Instagram feed.

Connect on social media

LinkedIn: Maren Deepwell
Look out for posts about the work we do in Learning Technology, projects, new reports and also recruitment. I also share news about upcoming talks, articles I have written and other #edtech news on here.

I joined the server and you can connect with me @marendeepwell[@] I do not post the same things across different platforms, so at the moment it’s a mix of reflections/comments on blog posts, pictures and re-sharing what I came across in the fediverse.

Instagram: @marendeepwell
I take a lot of photos and enjoy sharing the visual aspects of my work. Expect posts about plants and snapshots about hybrid/home office life alongside work projects and coaching resources.

Twitter @marendeepwell
For the time being, I’ll continue to share professional updates and posts #altc . Follow @A_L_T for news from the Association for Learning Technology.