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Small things. Celebrated.

Every now and then I take a month and celebrate a small win every day. When I blogged about this a couple of years ago, the motivation came from a time of being overstretched, a period during which it felt like no matter how much I did I never achieved enough.

This time round my motivation is different, and more aligned to my desire to practice gratitude and to make the most of a busy, but precious time in my life – when many things pull my focus in different directions both personally and professionally.

Gratitude journalling is a practice that I like and I have tried previously, and yet it doesn’t feel like quite the right fit for what I want to achieve this month. This celebration of small things is more about slowing down and paying attention, to be more present.

The list of small things I have celebrated so far

Day 1: Make a fire and be warm all evening
Day 2: Go for a 2 mile run
Day 3: Get flu vaccination
Day 4: Received a letter with the best stamp. Ever.
Day 5: Went to the beach!
Day 6: Plant care hour
Day 7: –
Day 8: Time out and a nice coffee at my local cafe
Day 9: got a huge box of pumpkins and squash
Day 10: Went to the Theatre
Day 11: Completed the last run in a training phase
Day 12: Decorated the house with a garland which was a gift
Day 13: Tea in bed
Day 14: Went for a run although I didn’t feel like it
Day 15: Signed up for a charity run

I’ll be adding more as the month continues. Definitely looking for the bright spots in these times.

Day 16: Went to the beach
Day 17: Listened to vinyl
Day 18: Had a good walk with the dogs
Day 19: Finished a work project
Day 20: Got beautiful flowers
Day 21: Went on an autumn ramble
Day 22: Had a quiet, restful day

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