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New course coming up… autumn 2024

I regularly offer dedicated workshops and short courses for leaders and managers who manage people or projects in hybrid or fully remote settings. Over the past two years I have run several of these and each cohort has been a wonderful experience.

Although much of my work now is focused on helping other organisations design and build similar offerings for their own staff, I love the freedom that running my own courses offers – both in terms of the content and the design and delivery of the course. My own offerings give me a lot of scope to innovate and to try entirely new ways of engaging participants.

This time, there are a couple of things I want to try and add to the course design following feedback from previous cohorts: the course will offer more opportunities to get feedback and dialogue on a weekly basis so that we can discussed specific challenges and individual contexts in more depth.

I’d also like to experiment with adding some of the coaching resources and approaches that my individual coaching clients find most useful and offering more accountability and check-ins to help course participants stay on track and get the most out of the course.

As before, there’ll be a whole pack of practical tools and inspiring reading to take away as well as the course podcasts to support professional development beyond the end of the course and at your own pace.

I am really excited to get work underway on this new venture, and if you are curious to learn more, read the preview below and check out my previous courses, which are openly available.

NEW Autumn 2024

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Healthy Hybrid Working for Managers and Leaders

When it comes to hybrid working, managers and leaders have a different experience to the wider workforce and different needs, too. From running effective hybrid team meetings, keeping oversight of progress and managing performance there are a whole range of challenges for hybrid people and project management.

If it’s part of your role to translate newfound hybrid flexibility into effective collaboration between colleagues, establish communication channels that engage a hybrid team with diverse capabilities and preferences and balancing work with other commitments, then this course is for you.

Over four weeks we will take a deep dive into what it takes to manage happy hybrid teams in a way that reflects your values, and create healthy habits to balance the demands of a leadership role even when work/life boundaries are blurred.

Start date: Monday, 7 October 2024
Duration: 4 weeks

Registration: opening soon. Limited spaces.

Private clients: £149
Employers and organisations£279
Groups: 5 places (20% discount)

Interested? Spaces are limited, so get notified when registration opens: