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Leading Virtual Teams – Monthly Book News, July 2022

This month I am making the final edits, before sending the book to the publisher for copy editing in mid August.

I have also been working on the cover and thinking about what resources and activities I want to work on ahead of the book launch later this year.

As summer is the busiest time for me at work, progress is slow going just now, and I am making the most of the warm weather to spend time away from the screen.

A blue book cover with several sheets of paper and a notebook, with water color drawings of a cityscape and a digital network of nodes connected by lines.

Recent blog posts

I have been blogging more recently and shared an update about a recent team chat & bake, that would make a great addition to the team activities in the book.

One of the things we really enjoyed about the activity was to spend some time together as a team without having to focus on a particular deliverable. It felt more like a social activity and we also enjoyed sharing jokes about how we were getting on with the recipe. It worked great to all make the same recipe as we could compare our experiences and tastes.

I have also shared an update about the recent launch of Digital Learning in Higher Education, in which I co-authored a chapter; reflections on designing hybrid conferences and a post on celebrating small successes for a month to get out of a mindset of never quite achieving enough. 

A photo of a brown dog on top of a rock with the sea in the background.

My writing buddy Posey had a break from the office and explored Pembrokeshire Coastal Paths…