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Sound of scale: songs for a MOOC #ocTEL

Tomorrow’s the first day of the #ocTEL open online course that alongside a group of members and staff of ALT I have been working towards delivering over the past 6 months. So while in my professional capacity there are all sorts of things to think about, a more personal question I have on my mind is what such a course sounds like.
Around 900 people have signed up for this course, and while it is not massive compared to some others, there is likely to be a fair number of people around the world, using some sort of device to participate. So whether at desks, in offices, on sofas or on the move, people will be logging in, typing, watching, searching – and listening. But with only about 1 hour of live sound to listen to each week and maybe a few videos to add, what will we be listening to in the meantime except the tapping of keys or fingers?

So, here is my playlist for the next 11 weeks, one song per week:

  • Week 0: Road to Nowhere, Talking Heads
  • Week 1: Shiny Happy People, R.E.M.
  • Week 2: Wild world, Cat Stevens
  • Week 3: Lost in the Supermarket, The Clash
  • Week 4: That’s Entertainment, The Jam
  • Week 5: One Step Beyond, Madness
  • Week 6: Bleeker Street, Simon & Garfunkel
  • Week 7: Tonight’s the night, Neil Young
  • Week 8: Solitary Man, Johnny Cash
  • Week 9: Changes, David Bowie
  • Week 10: School’s out, Alice Cooper