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Category: coaching

Changing habits with a Pie Chart Diary

Recently I have been working with a number of clients who are finding hybrid working habits hard to change. Busy days blend into each other, and at the end of a week or even a month, routine tasks like answering emails or attending meetings have taken up all the time and other priorities or more creative work have had to take a back seat. I have struggled with this for years. Changing habits to make…

Creating space in a packed schedule

It feels like it’s been a very busy week (month, year, decade…) and if your schedule is anything like mine, you probably don’t have enough time for being creative, taking breaks or anything else that injects a little bit of joy into the routine. There are many strategies for tackling this problem, and one approach I have been experimenting with is pairing habits. What’s pairing and how does it work? I first came across the…

Coaching news – July 2022

As we head into summer, I have been taking a break from work and headed to the Welsh coast for a well earned break. I am continuing my work with a number of clients over the summer, but having just completed my current coach training I will also have time to focus on other aspects of my practice including catching up on a whole host of books I am hoping to read.  Whatever your plans…

Nuggets of inspiration: how we work and what works for us

I like revisiting or exploring different frameworks to think with, not necessarily to adopt them whole, but because they usually offer me small nuggets of inspiration. Here are some examples of what I explored and what I found out along the way: Ways to explore your traits, motivations or fears Enneagram Core Motivations: This is a tool which combines modern psychology with an ancient personality system, and it helps you identify one of nine core…

Exploring Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies

I was curious to explore this particular framework, especially as I sometimes listen to the Gretchen Rubin podcasts. Four Tendencies described There is a dedicated book that makes for interesting reading, however to get started, here is how Gretchen Rubin explore the concept: By asking the one simple question, “How do I respond to expectations?” we gain exciting insight into ourselves. And when we know how other people respond to expectations, we understand them far more effectively,…

Reflecting on different modes of working

As part of my work on the Leading Virtual Teams book, I have been careful to define what is meant by terms describing different ways of working. It’s taken me a while to bring the various terms together, and to reflect on their meaning not just now, but also before the advent of digital technologies and more widely available, reliable, high speed internet connections. In my childhood days for example, selling Tupperware from your garage…

Coach in training

In January I officially started my coach training in order to become an accredited coach, an ICF Associate Certified Coach, via Katie Linder’s Higher Ed Coach Training. Having completed the first part of the course, I am about to start the next one, which will focus on coaching fundamentals in a deeper way. The notebook pictured above is my celebration, a gift to myself for taking this next step along the path to getting formally credentialed.…

Walking into a coaching mindset

In January I officially started my coach training in order to become an accredited coach, an ICF Associate Certified Coach, via Katie Linder’s Higher Ed Coach Training. We are now in Week 7 of the course and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I have learnt a lot in the first few weeks of the training, met some amazing people and started to develop a whole range of skills. It’s been a very motivating part of my…

Coaching with me… unpacked

If you are curious to learn more about coaching with me and why I work as a coach and what motivates me, this post is for you. Why do I work as a coach? I have had excellent coaching on my journey to becoming a CEO and in the decade since. Coaching has helped me through difficult periods of transition and to make big decisions under pressure. My personal experience has given me an understanding…

Coaching: Getting started

This week I am officially started my coaching certificate and I am looking forward to getting involved in the course. In order to become an accredited coach, an ICF Associate Certified Coach, I am taking part in Katie Linder’s Higher Ed Coach Training. After two years of very little formal CPD that didn’t have to do with charity crisis management, I am delighted to have this opportunity to learn and develop in an area of my…