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Tag: #virtualteams

Remote Working Radio – Season 1

As I have been working on my book Leading Virtual Teams, I have been talking about working remotely on DS106 Radio on the Remote Working Radio Show. What has started out as a lot of music and a bit of chat from me and sharing updated on the book has grown into an hour of chat with special guests, exploring how we work from home, what challenges we encounter and tips for developing your own…

Virtual Teams Book – Monthly News, May 2022

Book news After finishing a complete draft of the book in April, my reviewer group has been busy working through each chapter. I have ~20 volunteer reviewers who provide feedback and I am really grateful for all the work they have been doing. This week, by 6th May, the review period comes to a close and at that point it will be my job to work through the comments and feedback and get the next draft…

Reflecting on different modes of working

As part of my work on the Leading Virtual Teams book, I have been careful to define what is meant by terms describing different ways of working. It’s taken me a while to bring the various terms together, and to reflect on their meaning not just now, but also before the advent of digital technologies and more widely available, reliable, high speed internet connections. In my childhood days for example, selling Tupperware from your garage…

Virtual Teams Book – Monthly News, April 2022

Book news BOOM! This month I am excited to share that I have completed the first draft of the book. It’s actually more like draft no. 3, but up to now I hadn’t ever written the conclusion, and now I have.  Now my 48,570 words or ~160 pages of work in progress have been shared with internal reviewers for comment and feedback until early May 2022. If you’d like to help review the book, please…

Virtual Teams Book – Monthly News, March 2022

This month we are taking a break from sharing updates on the book other than the all important writing buddy pic. An escalating shoulder injury has prompted a pause in writing as I need to focus on treatment & recovery. Stay well and see you next month for hopefully more updates on the book 🙂

Virtual Teams Book – Monthly News, February 2022

Writing retreat and onwards January was extremely busy for me and I am glad that I took a week’s holiday from my day job and focused on writing. It was the first time since my PhD years that I spent so much time focusing on writing, and I really enjoyed it. For the week of the writing retreat, I set a number of aims: Decide the title of the book Write “about the book” and…

How to make working from home 1% more comfortable

On this month’s remote working radio show on DS106radio we talked about how to make working from home 1% more comfortable… and improve your work wellbeing in the process. The idea comes from practices like yoga and meditation. As you lie down in order to relax or sit still to focus, your teacher may prompt you to move, wriggle, to use a pillow or a cushion, anything to try and make yourself a little bit…

Virtual Teams Book – Monthly News, January 2022

Writing Retreat ahead At the end of last year I completed the first draft of the book and I am really pleased that despite everything that was going on last year, I managed to reach that important milestone. Along the way I made some changes to the structure of the book and now that the draft is complete, I can also see overarching themes emerging. My plan was to continue editing the draft chapters over…


Progress since the last post Since my last post, I have been working on the Introduction to the book and that has been very helpful. It’s prompted me to write an overview of how all the chapters hang together and it’s help me get a clearer sense of the overall structure. Apart from the conclusion, I have now drafted all chapters. I have decided to incorporate what was going to be a chapter on addressing…

Virtual Teams Book: Setting out as a Virtual Team… extract from Chapter 1

Progress since the last post Since my last post, I have been working on Chapter 1 which is all about setting out as a Virtual Team. It’s been very rewarding to work on this chapter as it include a first hand account of the key milestones I experienced leading a team from the office to working remotely and I enjoyed re-reading some of the posts one month, six months and a year into the process.…