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Virtual Teams Book – Monthly News, May 2022

Book news

After finishing a complete draft of the book in April, my reviewer group has been busy working through each chapter. I have ~20 volunteer reviewers who provide feedback and I am really grateful for all the work they have been doing. 
This week, by 6th May, the review period comes to a close and at that point it will be my job to work through the comments and feedback and get the next draft of the book ready. This will also involve picking up formatting errors and trying to clean up the references as much as possible. 
During May and June I will also start work on the cover of the book and finalise the publishing deadlines for the production partner. Exciting times! 

Virtual Teams at OER22

I really enjoyed talking about Virtual Teams at the OER22 Conference in 28 April.  Long-time colleague and friend Lauren Hanks, Director of Operations at Reclaim Hosting and one of the Co-Chairs of last year’s edition of the OER Conference, and I, are getting together to reflect on the connections between open education and open approaches to online collaboration and work.

As leaders of virtual teams, we want to critically examine what lessons we can learn from open approaches to learning and teaching and how we can use that knowledge in an increasingly virtual workplace.

This session builds on a recent episode of the Remote Work Show on DS106 Radio, in which we started to unpack some of this.

Remote working radio…

I will be doing not one, but two remote working radio shows this month. Following on from our session at OER22, Lauren Hanks and I will be on the airwaves to continue our conversation. 
There is also a second show in the works for this month with a special guest joining the conversation, so look out for the dates and times for both. 


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