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Maren Deepwell Posts

December 2012

Seb Schmoller speaking at Online Educa Berlin 2012 Over the past week I enjoyed attending Online Educa Berlin #oeb12, and exhibiting for ALT as part of the conference exhibition. One session, LearninG Futures: Over the Horizon, I enjoyed particularly. The session had four speakers: Seb Schmoller, Kayvon Beykpour, Michael Trucano and Ayesha Khanna, and each of them presented their take on the future of learning. During the session we focused on foundamental issues and global…

November 2012

Pergamon Museum, Berlin

June and July 2012

In this rainy summer I have not blogged very much partly because things have been busy and partly because I was on holiday. So this brief update covers both June and July.One of the things that I have been catching up with is the UNESCO World OER Congress releasing the 2012 Paris OER Declaration which calls for governments to openly licence those educational materials which are publicly funded. I find the Creative Commons Licences website…

May 2012

Over the past few weeks I have been exploring established and new Open Educational Resources including some new textbooks and courses. The Expeditions and Discoveries Open Collection at Harvard Library for example has been a fascinating source of maps, accounts and contextual materials telling the stories of journeys and their findings. Although only selected materials are available online, the details of botanical, anthropological and geological findings are inspirational and give insight into nearly four centuries…

April 2012

With the Easter break behind us and the weather improving again it looks like spring is now properly underway and there are a lot of different things going on.  Virtual museum visits I have been enjoying walking around art galleries I’ve never visited in person trying out the Google Art Project. It made me think about the way in which art is experienced and how the impact of having a fixed view point might change…

March 2012

North sea beach As it’s March already and this site has had a rather long break over the past few weeks, here’s a bit of an update: there was a very interesting ALT webinar with Diana Laurillard and Stephen Downes, the recording of which is now available. The most recent edition of the ALT Newsletters which features an article about The Self Organised Learning Environment (SOLE) School Support Pack by Sugata Mitra has also been published…

February 2012

This site,, is currently being updated. Please be patient and apologies for any inconvenienc caused.  Maren