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Leading Virtual Teams – archives

What is it like to lead a virtual team? What are the high points? What are the challenges? This page is dedicated to posts, podcasts and other resources reflecting on how to successful lead a virtual team.

2023 – leading virtual teams revisted

In November 2023 we revisited Leading Virtual Teams with a special podcast and blog post.

2022 – from virtual learning to virtual working

2021 – leading a virtual team

  • Time without buildings: leadership reflections: Recently I have led a number of leadership development sessions, which was a lot of work as well as a lot of fun. I enjoy working with established and emerging leaders who work in education and the Edtech industry and help them find new approaches to digital transformation.
  • Job satisfaction for virtual teams: One of the things I have been thinking about as I am writing, is what makes it rewarding to work in a virtual team and how those of us who are permanently home-based measure success.
  • Virtual Teams: The Book Project: These blog posts are becoming a book and you can read along.
  • Leading a Virtual Team: Our Team Day Experience: As a distributed team we have had a blended approach to individual catch up and team get togethers for a couple of years. Due to the impact of lockdown living and working from home with family, pets and under pressure, we didn’t have formal Team Days last year and instead shorter, more frequent social gatherings online. For example, we used birthdays as a prompt to have a virtual team get together, often with cake or similar treats sent by post to everyone in advance. Things have improved over the last few weeks and months and our team is now ready to come together for a full day. A full day is a lot of time, particularly in a small team with mostly part-time workers. We don’t have any external commitments on the day and Out of Office messages are firmly ON. So why do we have Team Days…?
  • Mental Health Tips for Virtual Teams: It’s Mental Health Awareness Week and here in the UK restrictions are lifting and things are getting a lit bit easier and from next week, the slow return to offices and campuses is entering a new phase. Whilst the weather is still a bit mixed we are slowly moving into a brighter time of year. In this month’s post, we are checking in with mental wellbeing for virtual teams.
  • Leading a Virtual Team: Blended is Best. Having led my team from being office based to working from home with in person elements to working entirely from home for 12+ months with no in person contact, I’ve had a lot of experience with the different options. This post explores how to decide between different options.
  • Leading a Virtual Team: Life Work Balance: This month, the focus is on achieving the right life work balance at a time of change – not ‘just’ with established colleagues within the organisation, but also with new teams and on new tasks.
  • Celebrating 3 years as a virtual team – an #altc perspective: a joint post by the whole ALT staff team written as we celebrate our three year anniversary as home-workers, running the leading professional body for Learning Technology as a virtual organisation and successfully charting a way through the ups and downs that the last three years have brought for us as a team.
  • Special Podcast episode with Martin Hawksey
  • Getting ready for work: in this post I write about preparing to get back to work, how to improve home working spaces and daily routines.

2020 – pandemic posts

2020 – regular posts

  • Virtual Teams: moving parts – This month we start our third year as a virtual team and we talk about the ups and downs of moving house as home workers, how to give yourself a break during times of upheaval and supporting each other.
  • Virtual Teams: The heartbeat of a virtual team – This month we are talking about Slack, scheduling team meetings, and how our use of technology and different tools affect the rhythm of our work as a virtual team. 


  • Podcast 1: our first podcast, looking back at the first six months as a virtual team.
  • Podcast 2: recorded at the end of our first year of this project, we look back at some of the highs and lows, plan for what’s ahead and discuss how you do Secret Santa as a virtual team.
  • Podcast 3: in which we discuss @femedtech and equality as well as International Women’s Day.
  • Podcast 4: reflections on what it means to be professional as a home worker in a virtual team and how we approach professional development
  • Podcast 5: we talk about how we as a digitally and geographically distributed team connect face to face and why we think a blended approach is important.
  • Podcast 6: This time we are joined by our special guest, Olaf Hubel G Suite Developer Relations Team Leader at Google. Together we talk about what it takes to lead a virtual team, collaboration and team communication.  

Previous posts… 2019


2018-2020 – in collaboration with Martin Hawksey

For 2018-2020 I wrote this series together with Martin Hawksey (@mhawksey) Martin is the Chief Officer for Innovation, Technology and Community and all the posts above are also cross-posted on Martin’s blog here.