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Virtual Teams – the final episode and… keeping blogging!

What is it like to lead a virtual team? What are the high points? What are the challenges?

For the past three years we have been chronicling our experiences in a series of monthly blog posts and podcasts and collecting them on our blogs.

Martin will be leaving ALT in January 2021 to move onto new adventures and if you would like to contribute to Martin’s virtual leaving card (read: spreadsheet), please contribute them via this Google form .  We are also planning a farewell karaoke special for the end of January, so get ready to practice your #TunesForHawksey

I am excited about our last podcast and looking forward to a conversation with Martin talking about working from home, virtual teams and what we learnt in the process 🙂

I feel this is a great opportunity to reflect not only on our approach to leading virtual teams, but also the process of conversational blogging itself. Blogging about blogging 😉

There is a lot of inspiration for blogging just now, things that I’d like to blog about such as… our awesome Sunday Specials on ds106 radio:

And also catching up on a lot of conferences and conference chats that I have been able to take part in recently:

and also about some of the exciting projects that I am currently involved in at work…