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A thank you… for 2024

It’s been quite a year. My first full calendar year running my own micro business. My year of getting back into running. Of travelling more, and working a little less. My year of counting days spent on the beach and following the golden seam of creativity to wherever it may lead.

Amidst all the ups and downs in my own life, my professional communities and the world at large, here I am at the end of the year, (nearly) ready to down tools and cosy up for Christmas by the sea.

A big thank you to each and every one of you reading this, sharing a bit of my year, from blogging and book writing to coaching and consultancy.

It’s been a real joy to collaborate and coach with you all these past twelve months, as my professional practice expanded to a new group coaching course and workshops as well as a conference on the airwaves!

I have had the opportunity to do research and start writing on my next book as well as reports and articles, go to events and conferences.

Snapshots from 2024, starting top left: Coaching moment, visit at Oxford University with Emma Procter-Legg, launching my leadership course, working with Physiospace in Cardiff, OER24 Conference catch ups in Cork, Ireland, more catch ups at OER24 with Leigh Wolff, and lunch with Anne-Marie Scott and Meredith Huffman, publicity shot with Lynne Taylerson, me in action giving a talk with Martin Weller.

Looking back at the year, it’s certainly been a busy one! Here are some highlights:

I am curious to see what the new year might bring… hopefully more opportunities to collaborate and work on projects with amazing people alongside time to develop my coaching and courses. There are a few things planned and in the works already, but certainly room for new things, too, so ping me if you have an idea 🙂

Here’s to whatever 2025 may bring!

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