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Coaching with me… unpacked

If you are curious to learn more about coaching with me and why I work as a coach and what motivates me, this post is for you.

Why do I work as a coach?

I have had excellent coaching on my journey to becoming a CEO and in the decade since. Coaching has helped me through difficult periods of transition and to make big decisions under pressure. My personal experience has given me an understanding of how powerful coaching can be and how valuable it is for developing all aspects of my professional practice and values. 

How does this fit with being a CEO?

Being a CEO and leading the Association for Learning Technology is a very rewarding role, which takes up a lot of my focus day to day. Over time, I have learnt that I am more effective in my role if it’s not my only priority. I like to keep learning and keep some hands on practice alongside my executive role. So for most of the past ten years, I have worked as on a free-lance basis alongside my role as a CEO, devoting a day a week to other projects, including writing my book on managing virtual teams.

I do some coaching with organisations and teams as part of my work for ALT, specifically supporting digital transformation and strategic development. Training to become a certified coach has given me the opportunity to offer some 1-to-1 coaching alongside my day job.

Who do I work with?

My approach is specifically designed for professionals working in education and learning technology, with a focus on leadership and career development, managing change and creative problem solving.

I coach early and mid career professionals who are looking to develop in their career as well as established managers seeking to move into an executive position. I am focused on helping clients develop value-led, ethical and open leadership practice.

Is this the right fit for you?

Coaching can bring many benefits, but it isn’t the right fit for everyone or every situation. Coaching might be a good fit if you are:

  • Looking for space to focus on an important decision or period of change.
  • Feeling stuck and struggle with productivity or specific tasks.
  • Ready to plan for the next stage in your career.
  • Looking for something to think (or draw) with to solve problems.

Coaching offers a range of tools, resources and strategies in a creative, safe space that is focused on your needs.

Creativity built in

With a background in art and design, I build creativity into all aspects of my coaching practice. We might use sketch notes, visual conversations and other creative approaches as part of coaching sessions, and to help tackle any problems you bring to the session.

What is a coaching session like?

I offer 1-to-1 coaching for individuals, usually for six online sessions. Coaching sessions are 60 minutes long and include:

  • Setting an agenda together, defining what the session will focus on and session objectives
  • Using powerful questions, activities and resources
  • Checking in on session objectives and making a plan for next steps

2022: Discounted and Pro Bono coaching offer

I currently offer discounts for paying clients as part of completing my coach training.

1-to-1 Coaching: each six sessions £210 (normal price £420)

  • Exploratory conversation
  • Coaching plan
  • Six 1-hour coaching sessions (online)
  • Coaching resources

If you are interested in coaching, get in touch to arrange a 30 min exploratory conversation.

For professionals who are not supported by their employer and for whom cost is a barrier to coaching, I also offer pro bono coaching sessions. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact me.