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November ’21: Conserving energy

The past month has been filled with illness and emergencies on all fronts, at home and at work. I have been suffering from a frozen shoulder and that has caused me a lot discomfort and stopped me from writing as much as I would like, hence there has been very little blogging this month.

That said, I have really enjoyed working on some important projects behind the scenes, and much of that effort will start to see the light of day in the coming months. Exciting prospects, even if there isn’t much to share for my update this month.

Book progress

The book made excellent progress this month and I am on track to have my completed draft by the end of the year. As well as writing on the introduction chapter, I have written an article for CILIP magazine to share a preview of the book and I am starting to organise remote working radio sessions.

I am due to publish my next book newsletter and update my book page in the next week, so look out for further news coming soon.

Talks & events

My work this month focused largely on high level policy, and governance and as a result I didn’t go to as many public events or talks.

  • Data & Ethics in vocational edTech. Week of VocTech Showcase, 17 November 2021; 
  • Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning, Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development Goals, 26 October 2021;


11 months old now and also been ill for some of this month. Posey has discovered autumn leaves, which has been all kinds of fun, and she continues to be her intrepid self, exploring the world as the seasons change. I am pretty sure the first snow will be a big event in her life.

A photo of Posey at 11 months.