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Tag: #virtualteams

June & July ’21: A break, a book and back to running

I was on a long awaited break at the end of June and I missed out blogging about what I did in June… and so you get double the monthly blogging goodness in one post 🙂 First up… CEO updates Things were BUSY for me as a CEO in June, as I wrote in my report to Members of ALT. Not only did we hold our AGM, announced new Trustee appointments and a Board meeting…

Leading a virtual team: blended is BEST

We’ve previously written about how important a blended approach is to leading a virtual team (in this post from 2019 about delivering in person events as a virtual team and in this podcast) but the past year has changed that conversation on a global scale. What’s best? Getting ‘back to the office’? Staying with working from home? Who decides and what should we base this decision on? Having led my team from being office based…

Virtual Teams: moving parts

Welcome to this month’s post (cross-posted here) in which we, that is Martin Hawksey (@mhawksey) and Maren Deepwell (@marendeepwell), openly share our approach to leading a virtual team. If this is your first time visiting this post series or you’d like to review previous posts go to our Virtual Teams summary page. This month we start our third year as a virtual team and we talk about the ups and downs of moving house as…

Virtual Teams: It’s good to keep in touch …. most of the time ;)

Hello and welcome to this month’s post on leading a virtual team. In this post (cross-posted here) the two of us, that is Martin Hawksey (@mhawksey) and Maren Deepwell (@marendeepwell), continue our series of openly sharing our approach to leadership.  If you are new here, you can catch up on earlier posts and podcasts or find out more about ALT, the organisation we work for as senior staff. We really appreciate comments and feedback and…

Virtual Teams: Things that don’t look broken still need fixing

Hello and welcome to this month’s post on leading a virtual team. In this post (cross-posted here) the two of us, that is Martin Hawksey (@mhawksey) and Maren Deepwell (@marendeepwell), continue our series of openly sharing our approach to leadership. If you are new here, you can catch up on earlier posts and podcasts or find out more about ALT, the organisation we work for as senior staff. We really appreciate comments and feedback and…

Virtual Teams: Checklists, kindness and Secret Santa – nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more

This post continues the series on openly sharing our approach to leading a virtual team – a joint project with Martin Hawksey (cross-posted here) for which we write a monthly blog post. November This month we discuss checklists, how each of our staff invented their own scale to rate their week and treating others with kindness. Maren: I’ve been thinking about how to make time for both urgent and important things, and at the same…