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#RaceForLife – a thank you

RaceforLifeI’ve started writing a new series of blog posts about my experiences as a CEO. I’ve now drafted more than half of them and the process has made me reflect on the importance of my personal life. I don’t write much about my family in this blog and (I feel) for good reason. But next Sunday we are celebrating a milestone and it feels right to share it.

I’m taking part in a 10k #RaceforLife on behalf of my family to mark my mother’s recovery and for us to give something back to those who saved her life. Being the primary carer for someone with cancer has been a challenge for me and as our lives started to become more normal again training for this race, my first ever such venture, has been an empowering experience that has helped us all to move forward.

Over the past two years I had crucial support from everyone who works with me, especially the Trustees of ALT and my colleagues in the staff team. To them I want to say thank you.

Also a big thank you to everyone who has helped us raise funds for Cancer Research as part of the #RaceforLife via my JustGiving page.