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Six months of gold dust.

Today feels like a milestone day. The clock’s have changed here in the UK, it’s the last day of the first quarter of the year… spring is underway (if still a lot wetter than I’d like) and I am freshly returned from an inspiring week in Cork at the OER24 Conference. It’s also been six months now since I started working in my new ventures, over a year since my departure from ALT was announced… and I feel like I have landed in a new place.

From now on, I will still share updates on how I am doing, but maybe not as frequently. Things will continue to evolve no doubt, and that is both exciting and expected as I build this chapter of my life. I have a sense of having begun, to have arrived, here, in the new place. Tomorrow is Monday, and my plan for the day is to spend a lot of time thinking, planning and plotting, fitting in a run and a dog walk, as well as some much needed tidying of my domains, both domestic and digital.

So to wrap up this season’s podcasting and to celebrate this milestone, I have recorded a special episode, sharing some of the highlights of the past six months and also some things I am especially looking forward to. Happy listening 🙂

Maren holding a glass in a blue jumper with a restaurant in the background, celebrating.

Six months in blog posts and podcasts

The story in blog posts:

Podcast episodes about my fresh start:

Listen to Leading Virtual Teams on: Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts and Spotify.

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