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December ’21

My last monthly update for the year…

Book progress

Since my last post, I have been working on the Introduction to the book and that has been very helpful. It’s prompted me to write an overview of how all the chapters hang together and it’s help me get a clearer sense of the overall structure.

Apart from the conclusion, I have now drafted all chapters. I have decided to incorporate what was going to be a chapter on addressing inequality and inequity in remote work into each chapter as those questions came up again and again.

So now that I have a clearer sense of the shape of the book, I want to make a plan for revising and improving the drafts that I have completed so far, building up to a week long writing retreat in late January.

I really enjoyed the first Remote Working Radio session, and going to have more of these coming up in the near year.

Talks and events

The biggest event in the late part of the year was ALT’s Winter Conference. A wonderful couple of days, with a rich programme and lots of fun social activities to boot (thanks to Jim & Chahira for the KaraOERke!) .


Posey is nearly a year old now and this is going to be the last #pupdate. It’s been a great year watching her grow and develop, discover her world and become an intrepid explorer.

Posey, Reindeer Dog