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October ’21: Writing and working

October has been very busy indeed and I haven’t had as much time for blogging and writing as I had hoped. Even my round up of everything that happened in September was quite late. But as it’s the 31st today, I am back on track.

And just in time to wish you Happy Halloween. As you might expect from someone who wrote their PhD about the material culture of cemeteries, this is my favourite celebration of the year and the house is full of decorations, sweets and carved pumpkins.

Before I get ready for trick or treat, here is a quick summary of what I have been up to this month:


This month in blog posts I have published on this blog:

  • OPEN BADGE NEWS: CMALT ASSESSOR BADGE: I have been a peer assessor for the CMALT accreditation scheme for many years and I really enjoy undertaking assessments. It’s a great way to keep in touch with how professional practice is developing across the sector. Since the introduction of Senior CMALT accreditation, I mostly assess portfolios of peers in leadership roles and that is particularly rewarding.
  • TIME WITHOUT BUILDINGS: LEADERSHIP REFLECTIONS: Recently I have led a number of leadership development sessions, which was a lot of work as well as a lot of fun. I enjoy working with established and emerging leaders who work in education and the Edtech industry and help them find new approaches to digital transformation. In the sessions I focused on providing creative ways to get participants thinking and reflecting, using open tools to remix images (thank you, Bryan Mathers, for your Fabulous Remixer Machine), and demonstrating how this Framework for Ethical Learning Technology can provide a basis for strategic work with staff and students.

Book progress

Since my last post, I have been working on Chapter 1 which is all about setting out as a Virtual Team. It’s been very rewarding to work on this chapter as it include a first hand account of the key milestones I experienced leading a team from the office to working remotely and I enjoyed re-reading some of the posts one month, six months and a year into the process. It was useful to reflect on how much the reality a few years later meets with the expectations I had at the beginning and what has changed.

Read an extract from the chapter here.

Talks and events

I have updated my running list with new events I am taking part in or speaking at:

  • Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning, Digital Transformation and Sustainable Development Goals, 26 October 2021;
  • Digital Transformation: leadership practice, Sheffield Hallam University Senior Leadership Group, 20 October 2021;
  • Discussion Panel: Higher Education Conference: Ignite HE – From Response to Revival, 7 of October 2021;


Posey is 10 months old now and we are embarking on a month long training schedule to nail the last bits of puppy training. She’s making excellent progress, but there are also things we still need to work on.

Posey the Puppy at 10 months old
Posey the Puppy at 10 months old