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Thinking about how to virtually say thank you

I work with volunteers on a day to day basis and with a small, dedicated team of people. Saying thank you and showing appreciation is something that is important to me personally and professionally, both on an individual basis and in my capacity as a leader and on behalf of my organisation.

Saying thank you and expressing how much value the contribution of an individual or a group of people has is really hard to do online, where you can’t really hear the applause, feel the hugs or even shake hands. It’s one instance when emoji really don’t convey anything near the meaning that they should.

Also, there is a lot that you can’t really convey online when it comes to physical tokens of thanks.

For example, sending someone a small gift or a sticker only works with some people, whilst others might find the token disappointing.

Also, saying thank you online can’t be done as easily by a group of people – there is less scope for spontaneity or personal contributions…


All that will have to change, because I have many people to thank and it will all have to happen online.

So I am going to get my thinking cap on and ask for advice and input.