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LVT23 How to Lead Virtual Teams: New here?

If you are just getting started with Leading Virtual Teams, here is all the information you need to get started:

Overview of topics:
Part 1: Orientation and a brief introduction to Leading Virtual Teams (21 April ’23)
Part 2: How we work and onboard new colleagues (28 April ’23)
Part 3: Setting shared expectations (5 May ’23)
Part 4: Fostering a shared team culture (12 May ’23)
Part 5: Leading team activities (19 May ’23)
Part 6: Course reflection – Setting intentions for your practice (26 May ’23)

You can find all topics already released on the blog.

Download the course companion book

Download the course companion book, Leading Virtual Teams. The book is free to download in different formats and we will use individual chapters from the book throughout the course.


For each topic, individual chapters are sign-posted. The course podcasts include the key points for each topic, so there is no need to read each chapter unless you wish to take a deeper dive into a particular topic.

Subscribe to the course podcast

The podcast is called Leading Virtual Teams and you can find it on most podcast platforms including:

If you are registered for the course you will receive a weekly email as new course episodes are released, and you can also subscribe to the podcast to make sure you don’t miss a course episode.

Reflect on your practice

If you’d like to develop your approach to reflecting on your professional practice, then have a look at the dedicated activity in Chapter 2 of Leading Virtual Teams, which includes helpful hints and practical tips to get you started.

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