Since its launch, the new Blogging Community of Practice, AKA Bloggers Anonymous, has begun to grow. Community building is an art that takes time and patience and most of all presence. You have to walk the walk… you have to start spending time where you want to grow connections. Which is not all that simple in times like these.
Many professionals in my networks are leaving social media and the toxic news cycle behind all together, and being less connected via open networks makes it hard to get the word out about things like this. Which brings me to my motivation for being involved in this project in the first place: it feels more important now than ever before to have your own domain on the web and to keep it alive. My own blog is my space, space for my voice and for my views to be heard. Crucially, it’s my data to keep, to move, to take away, instead of being in the hands of someone else.
So yes, blogging on the open web. It’s a habit worth keeping up.
This week’s session: Finding your Blogging Mojo
I am running a session for the community this week, all about finding (or re-kindling) your blogging mojo. Inspiration for the session originally came from this blog post, in which I shared ideas and practical strategies for getting into the habit of blogging as a practice.
Recently I have had lots of conversations with folk who would like to blog more, but don’t. Or who feel they *should* be blogging more often, but they haven’t actually managed to do so.
If that’s you and you are looking for ways to get your blogging mojo back, this post is for you. There’s no judgment here. Just some practical approaches you can try to get (back) to blogging regularly.
But, first… ask yourself this question: do you want to HAVE A BLOG or do you WANT TO BLOG? These two things, to my mind at least, don’t necessarily mean the same thing. Lots of people, organisations and companies have blogs. Blogs that might function a bit like newsletters, or communicate community updates. A blog can be a really effective tool for communications and marketing, and as such, you might be obliged to blog as part of your job. That’s not the kind of blogging I am talking about in this post.
This is not about having a blog, but about the practice of blogging itself. The process of getting whatever you want to say in a post and press publish. It’s about the joy of blogging, the sheer exuberance of having a space, a domain, to make your own.
Next I share how to… start small, thinking about blogging as a practice rather than a “to do” list, building a habit of blogging regularly and share examples of how I keep blogging.
If you’d like to join the session, come along on Wednesday. Just sign up and you’ll get the joining instructions the day before. We’ll start at midday (ET) or 4pm GMT.
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EdTech Bloggers ‘Starter Pack’
One of the things I am feeling inspired by is seeing folk join a growing collection of edtech bloggers on Bluesky. I love finding out about others’ work, read more posts by folk I don’t usually follow (yet) and also find a sense of fellowship with other bloggers out there. So if you are on Bluesky and you want to join, just ping us and we’ll get you added.
[…] There it is. Simple. That’s my “secret” for the topic of getting one’s “blog mojo back”. […]