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Conferences in September and October #altc, #fote14, #civicon14, #ALN14

With September nearly here I am getting ready for conferences starting with ALT’s annual conference from 1-3 September at the University of Warwick. If you are curious to find out more you can read my preview of the conference in FE News or visit the online conference platform. While I don’t lead any sessions, I am really looking forward to the programme, including many member-led events, which is great to see. You can watch keynotes and other sessions live on YouTube and follow what’s happening #altc on Twitter.

Coming up next will be FOTE 2014, the Future of Technology in Education conference, 3 October 2014 in London. With a new start up competition and other exciting sessions planned, you can find out more by readying the conference preview.

Later in September, 25-26th, in London I am going to be attending this year’s CiviCon. This conference is all about CiviCRM, a CMS that ALT uses to manage a large part of its online services and an Open Source software that I have been using for a number of years now. I am going to be looking out for new developments and anything that can make life easier for users and administrators.

Then, a month later, I am going to be attending and speaking at the annual conference of the Online Learning Consortium, formerly the Sloan Consortium, in the U.S. . This is the 20th conference of the consortium and I am going to be talking about Building a global ed tech future brick by brick on the day before Halloween. There is a really interesting programme of all kinds of sessions planned for the event and I am interested to see what I can learn from this event which expects 2,000 delegates to attend in person and many more to join in online.

If you are going to any of these events and are keen to get in touch, tweet me @marendeepwell.