All the latest blog posts, podcasts, coaching resources and more
May 2024 View online

Hi there! 

This week a new digital skills micro-credential for emerging leaders I developed together with Dr Lynne Taylerson for the Digital Learning Institute is launching, and I am really excited to see this project to its conclusion. 

It's been very rewarding to build on the research I did for my book on leading virtual teams and focus specifically on the skills we need in hybrid organisations. 

Alongside this project, I am thrilled to welcome new coaching clients on board for the summer as I expand my blended coaching practice to include coaching by post and walk'n'coach sessions. 

Later this month I am also running the highly successful Digital Wellbeing: Healthy Habits for Hybrid Working course again with the amazing team at the University of Oxford and speaking at the ASCILITE’s Women in Academic Leadership Initiative webinar about my journey as a leader. 

All in all, there's a lot to look forward to... :) 

Catch up on recent talks and events:

Reclaiming our Socials… and how you can too! – workshop with Amanda Schmidt and Taylor Jadin, SUNY Digital Learning Conference; 17 April 2024;

Digital Leadership Skills for the New Era in Education, co-presenting with Dr Lynne TaylersonDigital Learning Institute, 16 April 2024;

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Each week I share ideas and strategies for creative and fun approaches to help you succeed and lead in the hybrid workplace.

Catch up on Season 3 latest episodes:

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Nice to meet you!
I'm Dr Maren Deepwell and I work as an independent consultant with organisations and (emerging) leaders in education and the not-for-profit sector as an executive trouble shooter, strategic advisor and coach. My academic background is in Anthropology and Fine Art and I am as passionate about pen and paper as I am about the newest digital technologies. Whether I work with a fully virtual team, facilitating a blended workshop or meeting on campus, I bring creativity and curiosity to my work as a leader and a coach. Explore my free courses, resources and my podcast via which I openly share my expertise in hybrid working and professional development.
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