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Category: things I like

Hope on the airwaves: #DS106Radio Sunday Special

It’s a few weeks into lock down and the last couple of Sundays, Anne-Marie, Tannis and I have been getting together on the airwaves, playing tunes and sharing stories on DS106Radio. Many of us are tuning into the live stream in recent weeks: Our first live broadcast, on Sunday 29th March, was an improvised conversation and playlist, organised very much by Anne-Marie, who figured out the technical set up required to mesh Skype call and…

Blogging along #FemEdTechQuilt

I am working on ideas in order to make, and that’s the key word here, a contribution (7 x 7 inches) to The Femedtech Quilt of Care and Justice in Open Education. Read all about what this is and more here. Read it, share it, get involved. This is important. I have never made anything for a quilt. I can hardly sew a button back on so that it stays on. I tried to learn…

Messy human problems… blogging about Gettin’ Air with Terry Greene and a bit of #LTHEchat

A few weeks ago I recorded an episode of Getting Air with host Terry Greene. This excellent podcast series is focused on all things technology-enabled and open learning practices and I was delighted to join Terry and really appreciated the opportunity to have this conversation. If you haven’t discovered this podcast for yourself, browse through the episodes and you are sure to find a conversation that is not to be missed… starting with the recent…

This year’s charity run

Next week is the week! Mum & I are going to complete 5k to mark a big family milestone – 3 years of mum being cancer free! Grateful to have another year we didn’t think we’d have together as a family & for all the care and kindness that got us here. — Dr Maren Deepwell (@MarenDeepwell) July 6, 2019 We are raising money to say thank you and give back to those…

Crafting keynotes… an inspiration from #OER19

In June I am heading to Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops on what is a long awaiting (first) trip to Canada. Thanks to the organisers of the ETUG 25th anniversary conference I have a wonderful and rare opportunity to meet with colleagues in British Columbia and visit a community that has much in common with my own organisation, ALT – both long-established Member-led professional bodies committed to Learning Technology and sharing similar values and priorities.…

#OpenBlog19: The library of the future is…

Who’s next? Open writing/blogging challenge #OpenBlog19 … reaching out to @julianstodd @courosa @mhawksey @MarenDeepwell @jamesclay @digitalmaverick — David Hopkins (@hopkinsdavid) March 23, 2019 I have been really enjoying following #OpenBlog19 posts over the past week or more and if you haven’t come across it before now, start by reading David’s original post or browse the hashtag and discover the inspiring contributions to date. When I went to the Google doc, one topic really jumped…

2018: my year in miles and sunrises

I started running a few years ago and unexpectedly found I love it. Ever since, I am grateful for every mile and every moment it brings me. Whether I’m catching the last light of the day or the first… I run to get some head space, to escape, to move, to breathe, to reflect, plot and plan. Sometimes I solve problems or work out talks whilst I run, other days I follow a training plan,…

Weekend post: leadership lesson from my favourite starship captain

As you may have gathered, I like Star Trek and Captain Picard is my favourite captain in that particular universe. I don’t agree with every aspect of his approach to leadership, but I like to think that we share a lot of values and every now and then I come across something he says or does that really resonates with me. I was watching an old episode of The Next Generation recently (fellow nerds: this…

My week as guest curator of @femedtech

This week I’ve been volunteering as a guest curator of @femedtech. I actively work to promote equality in everything I do, so when the opportunity came up to support this growing network as a Twitter curator, I took the opportunity to help out gladly – but I wasn’t really sure what it would be like, taking over the voice of this kind of account. So one week in and with one more week to go,…

More than swag: #oer18 material & visual culture

As an Anthropologist I’m interested in how human beings shape to the world and relate to each other. In particular, I’m interested in how what we make, exchange or treasure articulates our relationships. This past week participants from the OER18 conference have shared a wealth of… well, you shall see. This is my story of the conference told through its material and visual culture. It is a story of swag … of badges, stickers, t-shirts ……